Gee, i feel a little relief at reading the others with problems, but also a little sad and hope Discreet can overcome them.
I had the trouble with the usb battery socket first, so when I received a replacement battery I bought the quick charger to help avoid this. Then my Temp sensor failed once, twice and again three times the other night, as in, I am now on my second replacement oven module and it too has now failed, so am hoping to get a fourth oven to replace it. (have sent the video of me plugging in and out 3 modules in a row to prove 3 failures, and I must say, that's going to get lengthy if I have many more failures!)
I also noticed that they would throw a random error, clear itself, some begin to run noticeably hotter as with Shokunin above, then totally fail and do nothing except throw errors.
Two of my failed ovens don't heat, and throw errors. One of the failed ovens heats up a little and throws the error
All 8 buzz flashing LED4 temperature sensor errors.
I have to say the company has been excellent, with the only downside being having to report the faults, video them, and a little wait time for replacements in the mail.
Also, I can say with confidence that they seem to be working to lessen these faults and to improve future batches. I say this because you can see varying serial number prefixes on the ovens, and tiny revisions in the design.
Also the third oven I received has a hinge that only opens to an angle of 50-55 degrees, where the two earlier ovens easily open all the way to about 115 degrees. Makes it quite a challenge to fill with the new tighter angle, and I'm not sure how that EZ fill kit would cope with it.
When I had asked was there any way I could prevent these faults (eg avoiding vibration in a vehicle), they kinda laughed and said no, like maybe they know whats causing the faults and it's not misuse?
Anyway they said the one thing I could do is avoid overstressing the hinge when open.
So maybe the problem lies somewhere near the hinge with the tape wires inside?
I'm just real lucky that I picked up a secondhand Solo as a backup, and that I didn't have to go down the old rizla, zig zag, or tobacco route!!
Other than that I love the P2 to death, was even going to start a thread debating if it has more body to the flavour than the Solo!!
And as the others have said, it is surely one of the most inconspicuous available?
Also, I got a custom housing and notice it smells more. (like a doctors office?!) I quite like these smells/flavours and they seem to complement some material, maybe I'm just weird!
Unfortunately, at present the reliability of this vape, or lack thereof, means I could not head off for the weekend with just this, and leave the secondhand beater solo at home