Been testing this mp that I got in January. Really loving this thing. Definitely changes the pivot experience. But before I start gushing over this accessory, I need to retract a previous comment…
Con- airflow sucks, doesn’t spin a pearl no matter how hard you pull.
I was wrong twice in this one statement. Airflow doesn’t suck, it’s just made differently than what stock intended. And it does spin a pearl, you just have to inhale harder than other MPs (not necessarily a negative). In pics 4 and 5, you can see that the airflow is designed to shoot straight into the oven, many times causing splatter if you inhale too hard, too early. In pic 6, airflow doesn’t go straight into the oven, so you can draw fairly hard, and not need to worry about splatter.
I’ve mentioned the pros of this MP in a previous post.
Pros- extremely cool vapor, straw-like tip is very comfortable, 45 degree bend is more ergonomic.
Pic 3 shows the wide open bottom. I was originally worried about sucking up the 3mm ruby pearl I got in there, but it has never come close to exiting the oven, regardless of how hard I inhale.
Vapor is extremely cool. I’ve been using white Easter egg mode. I still cough, but nothing unbearable.
So………. Airflow doesn’t violently enter the oven (so you can inhale faster), and vapor is cool enough to go white Easter egg mode. Perfect combo to do bigger dabs. Been loading up the oven with around triple the usually recommended rice grain size, and LOVEING IT. Definitely happy with this purchase.
Is it just the honeymoon phase or do any of you find yourself reaching for your pivot over your peak pro ? I
No peak pro, but I’ll reach for my pivot over every device I own. It’s what I’ve been looking for since starting this journey. A pocketable device, that can get me really high, really fast, and chuck clouds, without attracting too much unwanted attention.