Is the Pivot dish larger or smaller than the Proxy dish?
Is the Pivot dish larger or smaller than the Proxy dish?
Smaller. I go back and forth. But right now, I'm using the Proxy more. I like using a higher temp for a quicker session (inhaling less radiant heat). The Proxy makes that easier due to the longer vapor path.
Curious if we have dimensions for each of these? The photo may be deceiving but it only seems pivot is slightly smaller diameter.Thanks! I also found this comparison photo on reddit -
I guess I was hoping the dish was the same size as the proxy cause I liked the proxy a lot.
Not sure I could really get along with a smaller dish though![]()
Pivot does well with small dabs. Large dabs leads to more splatter in the mp and possibly oil leaking to the battery. If your dabs are bigger than a rice grain (maybe?) than you might be turned off by all the oil you gotta swab.Not sure I could really get along with a smaller dish though![]()
My personal experience has been that since i added the terp pearls my Pivot has been significantly easier to clean. After the terp pearls have cooled (very important as my terp pearls are quartz and will fracture if subjected to thermal stress ) i dump them into a small cup with iso. A significant amount of oil coats the terp pearls which washes off readily with the iso. A q- tip handles the remainder fairly easily. and a few drops of ISO to clean the chamber when i go to recharge the battery. Burn off ISO, readd terp Pearls and i am ready to go. (my updated cleaning process)Pivot does well with small dabs. Large dabs leads to more splatter in the mp and possibly oil leaking to the battery. If your dabs are bigger than a rice grain (maybe?) than you might be turned off by all the oil you gotta swab.
May I ask what size and number of terp pearls? Thanks!My personal experience has been that since i added the terp pearls my Pivot has been significantly easier to clean.
Sure. i ended up going with Purple 4 mm quartz spheres . They spin like crazy when i am really drawing on the Pivot and you can really hear it too. I have more of these but i think its a bit crowded in the chamber with more than 2 and don't really think it is necessary. Subjectively I don't know if it helps the hit in terms of intensity, but it does keep the chamber a lot cleaner and I think i can say that definitively.May I ask what size and number of terp pearls? Thanks!
Took this pic in November before a deep clean.Not sure how oil would get into battery since it is in the bucket (chamber) , but i guess it could.
there is the definitive proof. I know i will be careful as well as to not put too much of a dab in there.Took this pic in November before a deep clean.
The insides of the silicone (that wraps around the oven) was also sticky. Not sure how the oil got there, but my best guess is too large a dab, and/or too strong of an inhale. I’ve been checking occasionally, and since limiting my dabs to rice grain size, and slowing down my inhale, I haven’t noticed any oil on the bottom.
This was a little too interesting to me so I ordered it since they show in stock right now. We'll see how it is in a couple weeks! I haven't put pearls in yet but I think that'll be necessary in that!To change gears has anyone seen this from ? It is based on a Pivot. There are a bunch of 3 D printed pieces and I believe .STL files are available as well. One design also makes use of a Tug 2.0 for its glass as well. I won't say too much,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but this is out of the box thinking.
OK got some new Pivot stuff to share.
The first one is from Planet Caravan and is a bubbler. the linkage is up above
Pivot-bubbler-4-185402 hosted at ImgBB
Image Pivot-bubbler-4-185402 in Flotsam2025's images
This was on Reddit but i don't recall seeing a vendor listed. As i said this is Reddit info is hit or miss
screengrab-20250118-203246 hosted at ImgBB
Image screengrab-20250118-203246 in Flotsam2025's images
This 3rd one i really like, but once again Reddit and i do not have a link. What i like about this is it seems like some of these bubblers add so much extra height which i don't care for. I like the short stature of the Pivot. This one is sort of a sidecar kind of setup and there is a provision to strap on the pivot which i really like too.
screengrab-20250118-203120 hosted at ImgBB
Image screengrab-20250118-203120 in Flotsam2025's images
This one is from Highartisan.![]()
screengrab-20250118-203246 hosted at ImgBB
Image screengrab-20250118-203246 in Flotsam2025's images
yeah i tend to agree with you on your assessments of these add ons. Only a few i would actually wanna try.The first one looks reasonable and potentially practical. But some of these seem more for fun and show. I don't trust myself with glass. It quickly becomes broken glass.
I received my Pivot from @VGOODIEZ a couple of weeks ago, and I am loving it! My background with concentrates goes back 6 - 7 years, but early on I tried Kandy Pens and such to much disappointment. I am flame averse, and even most E-rigs do not fit my environment. So I settled on Terp Pens, and found them a reasonable solution.
Until now.
I am saddened by the knowledge of all the oil I wasted and misused up to now. I tried a Puffco Plus and found that not useful to me, but the Pivot is a different beast. Took a bit to get used to missing the "bite at the back of the throat" that the Terp Pen gave me, but this just gets me much higher with less waste.
From the pics on the website, it looks like air is forced straight down into the bowl, possibly causing more spillage. A joystick type cap might be helpful.Would any different cap possibly help control the spillage so I could give water a go again?
It is not a refined product. There was no post-processing really on the 3d printed parts but that doesn't bother i'm curious since i was the one who originally posted. Did i cause unnecessary VAS anguish? Was it worth it? It looked interesting but how well does it work?
My Planet Caravan (Major Glass Lab) Pivot WPA arrived today, I have to say, this thing is amazing and might completely solve the few complaints I have about the pivot.OK found out what i was looking for ! These were all featured in some YouTube Shorts i had seen online. The place is Planet Caravan Smoke Shop Cincy OH. i included their home screen shot since it shows the 2 other videos i wanted to point out (#1 is a cool glass WPA for $30 ) (#2 shows the cap just prior to being pulled out w no cutting) I included screen shots but finding the videos onside is not too difficult. They had some other tips i had not seen before that anyone had posted.