Looks like a device also useful to glue huffers,why not get best of both worlds,lol. Maybe the glue will provide some anesthesia and you wont feel the burn.A complex tool designed to burn the shit out of one's index fingertip?
Step 5: draw fire through metal hole in top of cap, heating cap.
Step 6: Put fingertip on hot cap top and scream like someone just ripped off your testicles.
Step 12: Profit?!?
Smart contact lenses put tiny screens on your eyes
A startup's prototype shows how augmented reality vision could come to the surface of your eyeballs.www.axios.com
I've driven a motorcycle, Jeep, Corvette, and a fire truck. Sometimes I get mixed up on who I'm supposed to wave at, this is game changing.
If the fingers were adjustable to show just one when the opportunity presents itself, i’d get one.
If the fingers were adjustable to show just one when the opportunity presents itself, i’d get one.