^^^ "Yahoo...Mountain Dew", was the ad tagline used in old (I'm old) M.D. commercials...
Grew up with Yoo-Hoo on the East Coast...never cared that much for it.
Yeah man, sorry, I suppose I ended that comment with the wrong smiley, and should've used a winking one to help convey the sarcasm...
Even tho that slogan predates me by 1+ years (born in '66), I still remember people saying it...:
Some slogans that Mountain Dew has used in its advertisements include "Yahoo Mountain Dew...It'll tickle your innards" in 1965, "Get that barefoot feelin' drinkin' Mountain Dew" in 1969 and "Dew it country cool" in 1986. More recent slogans as of August 2014 are "Do the Dew" and "Kickstart your...
(I pretty much only drink ginger ale/beer or seltzer if I have any soda at all... water, juice, coffee, beer, whiskey etc and I'm good...
