I appreciate you thoroughly providing your reasoning.
Do you know of any studies which have proved that Cannabis use (at varying doses would be great) is able to induce homeostasis in such individuals with Omega-3 deficiencies and/or messed up Omega-3

mega-6 ratios, while not providing an excess of any chemicals?
Can you share some studies that show that morning sickness is solely caused by the ECS being in a problematic state? Also can you link any studies that provide sufficient evidence that using Cannabis to stop morning sickness has no possible side effects regarding the development/health of the developing child?
Cannabis use helping get rid of the mother's morning sickness is not sufficient evidence for it's safety for the baby.
To sum up my stance...
1. We don't have sufficient reliable research based evidence that Cannabis use while pregnant is safe for the developing baby.
2. Millions of healthy babies are born each year to mothers who have never used Cannabis, which shows that Cannabis use is not necessary for a healthy pregnancy/birth.
2. We shouldn't take unnecessary risks involving babies.
Therefore, people shouldn't use Cannabis while pregnant.