Post Your Glass

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I am Jack's title
SpiralArchitect said:
Here are my 3 rigs for vaporizing oil. The smallest (far right) being the most used.

Left to right.

Erik Anders 'Shakra Warrior' tube, with JesterGlass dome / ti nail
N3rd inline bub, Blazemaster curve / ti pad
J-Red bub, Blazemaster curve / ti pad

I like them all a lot. Each hits differently.

I should be getting a new x-mas toy soon. I'm really excited. :cool:
Nice Curves Spiral, I might have to pick one of those up when I get a new bowl for my VHW.

I finally took a picture of some of my glass with my extreme, I'll post better pics soon. The one on the left is a (and the only survivor of my college days) and the other is an SG inverted 4 arm mini. The elbow on top of the extreme is a local blower, oddly enough the place I got it doesn't even know who made them, they had been sitting on the shelf for a long time it seems.


Better Pics finally!



I am Jack's title
Thanks for the link and no worries! A lot of people have had that reaction, they just usually have had the chance to test it out and verify for themselves. ;)
Now that is shut down I think it's time to retire it as my daily piece, so that has gotten me started on collecting glass again. Thankfully I had great timing with being able to pick up the SG. :cool:


? & beyond

MNP Designs oiler. This thing DEVOURS my errlz. :cool:



mastermind behind the great Vapor Caper
stonemonkey55 I would love to see some close-ups of that waffle bubbler; the diffusion looks like the diffusion of a circulator diffy, aka on a whole different level.

durden wow! That is one rare roor, it's absolutely beautiful.

I'll have to throw a pic of my .de zumo up sometime.
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