Seller: @NickDlow
Buyer: @EveryDayAmnesiac
Description of item: Absolutely one-of-a-kind Amboyna Burl E-Nano. Silky smooth, Zohan style.
Cost of item: "The Housewarming Special." Which was good, because my new house needs a fuck of a lot of goddamn warming. Jesus Christ. Every time you stick your head up another cranny, there's more filth to clean!
New rule: No more crannies.
Payment time: Within the agreed-upon parameters.

Shipping time: Day after the within-the-agreed-upon-parameters payment.

Rating out of 5: "One, two, three, four, FFFIIIIVVVVEEEEE!"
Comments: NickDlow is one of maybe three guys on FC who has so many log vapes that an Amboyna Burl Nano is expendable. Yet the weird thing is that he actually seems to be scaling up?!
Only on FC!
But, you know what they say: One man's expendable exotic Nano is another manchild's distraction to keep him from those funny little thoughts about the general emptiness, loneliness, and meaninglessness of his existence. For like a good week or so, hopefully.
At the end of the day, NickDlow gave me a solid deal at a price he didn't have to, and therefore has earned the highly coveted, rarely earned, award-winning award, until-now imaginary
EDA Beige Star Seal of Approval.
Void where prohibited by law. And if you have a heart condition, please be warned.
Finally, I'd like to thank Knob Creek for this post...