I voted a week but that's me at my current heaviest use, many days are much less, sometimes more depending on what I'm vaping. My bowl size is typically the same no more than .05 a session but sometimes less, once in the middle of the night/early morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening for sleep when it comes to high thc, though many days I skip the afternoon session. I like to mix in some cbd threw out the day, again max load of .05, mid morning, afternoon if I didn't have any thc late afternoon and early evening, so I actually consume more cbd than thc. But lately I've vaping some really bunk weed 4% thc 6% cbd and actually really enjoying it but my consumption is much higher, basically vaping every hour to two all day until bedtime when I have 1 bowl of high thc for sleep, so up to a g of the bunk stuff a day but it doesn't concern me as I don't have the desire to vape that much high thc a day so I don't feel like I'm on some slippery slope into becoming as heavy a user as when I smoked and was burning through a couple grams a day easy. Currently on a t break and nearly out of the bunk stuff so I'll be going back to my high thc supply but after my break I'm going to try and half my load size and see where that takes me, so I should be a g every two weeks. How much I use varies from day to day and has significantly changed from smoking to vaping along with what prescription drugs I currently take which has also changed, need varies from person to person and can change over time, there's no right or wrong amount only what is deemed necessary by the individual, recreational or medical, heavy user or micro dosing, need or desire, I think all of us are just happy this magical sexually dimorphic plant exists and that it suits needs/desires and enriches our lives, for me daily but no less important to the weekend warriors either.