Political Cartoons and Memes

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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
It's the HYPOCRISY of these guys and not the avoidance.







This will be very familiar to you:
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur

How many people have enough money to put into a health savings account? Making lower income senior citizens to pay more for coverage is an outrage. Kicking single, lower income moms and children off of insurance is equally an outrage. Why do folks have to beg for descent medical insurance in the richest country in America? It's plain and simple more people will die from illnesses that can be prevented by good medical care.
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Well-Known Member
While I enjoy most of these memes, please STOP mentioning hitler and making comparisons.
That thing's name should not be mentioned unless detailing the atrocities he committed. There is nothing humorous about that thing or his name.
I think most people are familiar with the atrocities he committed, I personally didn't know he was socialist until I saw this meme above, those are portions of history that few don't know and needs to be told.
And in all fairness I just watched a documentary on his life and his rise to power and saw many similarities to our current POTUS.

Edit: I don't have a meme to post, so if the mods want to remove this post I'm ok with it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
fuck it......................

Last Wednesday I was changing an outlet and couldn't find my circuit tester. I picked up the phone to call my dad to see if I could borrow his. My dad died last July. I dialed two numbers and then it hit me he's gone.

He immigrated to the U.S. in 1940 from Hungary. In 1944 my grandparents, along with 450,000 other Hungarian Jews, were sent Auschwitz - Birkenau and murdered as soon as they got off the train by this fucking thing that is now being trivialized in these fucking memes.
I get the spirit of them, and I hate trump and see the parallels, but I don't fucking appreciate these memes.

And no, that thing was not a socialist.


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
The denials need to be called out. Being silent is not an option.
My family also was decimated by the Nazi's and had suffered under the Russian Pogroms.
Alt-Right is the new name of the neo-nazi's. That is just a fact.
Bannon is alt-right. Steve Bannon referred to Breitbart News as "the platform for the alt-right."
I will not let it slide.





Dharma Initiate
:lol: lol, sorry I triggered for going against the group think. You guys have Trump = Hitler/Nazi memes/cartoons all through this thread, but only when someone points out how Hitler and his free healthcare and gun control/abortion stances and blaming the one percent, whoops I meant Jews, shares more similarities with Bernie/Hillary than Trump - only then should we stop the Hitler memes.


The National Socialist German Worker's Party. Liberal Fascism. They have a lot in common with socialist and community politics, whether you want to believe that or not. But just say "Reich Wing Propaganda" and anything I've read that says Hitler was totally not a socialist (as in no similarities at all) is "loser leftist propaganda"(see how easy to dismiss) - but there's some pretty good information if you want to leave your nest. It's not a 1-1 parallel, on either side of the coin. But to be frank, the same people making the correlation that Trump = Hitler......It's a shame new users will see this thread and give stock and value to some of these memes , not knowing that the posters have a track record of having no finger on the pulse.

But, I also find it pretty distasteful to mitigate the lives lost and the horror's Hitler committed - to mitigate and correlate them to Trump winning. Pretty selfish huh? So wrapped up in your own little safe space that you need to equate the candidate that #rekt you guys in the biggest blowout in quite some time, to a guy who murdered millions of people. Par for the course eh? Maybe work on fixing why you guys shit the bed and leaving your safe space bubble instead of REEE'ing about Russia and Hitler. I'm sure you will say you make the correlations as a "virtuous stance of justice against tyranny!!" - if that helps you sleep at night :lol:


Tweets that don't age well


Lol 13.5% < 25% and he won. What an idiot :lol:


:lol: :lol:



LOL the Mike Pence = Race Bannon funnies kill me.

I'll be back in a page or two to freshen the thread up from it's stench of bias and circle jerking :)


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
He is a liar, fraud, and a dangerous egomaniac who has already normalized racism, xenophobia, and misogyny and prepared a cabinet of robber barons ready to pillage the country. Now is the time for all good people of conscience to come together to oppose this destructive force, before it is too late. Let the voice of the people rise again in solidarity with the spirit of the Civil Rights movement: justice and equality for all! Stand up against racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and greedTrump.

While running he said he wanted to shut down Muslims entering the U.S. it's no wonder the judges are bringing that up now.

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vapor accessory addict
Wow. That's all I can say. I have never seen so much hate and fear in one place in my whole life. And I'm from Detroit!

Being silent is not an option.
Well you know what? It is on this forum. No where in the title does it suggest that this is a forum to spew venom towards each other. In fact; there is a clear mention in the rules about not bringing disharmony to the forum.

And since all of you fine folk cannot seem to keep this to a thread about pictures and memes? And are now resorting to throwing your hate at each other?

Yup. This thread is closed.
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