Vaping is a way of life!

My new case for the pinnacle Pro, and the cigar tube houses 3 total containers, 1 for ground up herb, 1 for abv, and the 3rd for the 2 bullets loaded in a cut down doob toobe.
The case is a leather cigar case for Cigar holder and a cigar shaped flask, dont need the flask but the rest works perfectly for me.
Should of read the thread twice, I soaked my black PonG in 91% iso (5 min.) and hair line cracks are now appearing around the screen area.
I should of used some simple green or something less destructive!
Oh well will have to order 2 as back up.
What methods are you all using to clean the PNP PONG and regular mouthpiece???
Simple iso wipe and no soak?
Any other cleaners that work with out destroying the PONG??
I wonder if PBW would work on this material?
any one use pbw on this material?
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