Dude, you need to do some reclaim on that mouthpiece AND your thumbnail...
I can easily collect plenty more reclaim in that thumbnail!
That, is sick.
So I just put this together over the last maybe 20min-
I don't know why, but it's AMAZING at taming the vapor. And for some reason it's easier to tell when I'm getting good quality vapor too

Ah, well

edit: So... I just made it like 10x more awesome:
Very nice work sir! The glass air path has made a hell of a difference here. After just over a week of use, there is no way in hell I would go back to using a PonG.
I want to let everyone know that we do in fact pay attention to our customers, and we hear you on the wish to have an all glass pathway. So here is a solution that should make everyone happy!
We will be offering this adapted PONG fitting (it's not really a PONG anymore but a GONG) as an added accessory to the PNP units.
We still stand by our original statement as to the safety and effective use of the plastic fittings, but realize that people want options. This adapted fitting is an original PONG, modified to fit a Glass 14mm adapter. In this setup, all the plastic does is keep the mouthpiece on the PNP. the air pathway is entirely glass!
Engineering Well that looks like a very familiar design eh?
Really good to see this at least starting to be worked on as an option. Along with others who voiced the same opinion tho - black as an option would be great. Also isnt the black plastic used on the PnP PonG rated at higher temps? If so, and the plastic and heat is the problem (and I dont see how anyone could say it isnt considering photo evidence that keeps being posted), wouldnt it be better to use the higher rated plastic as a PonG/GonG collar? It'd be a better safe guard against all this nonsense blowing up again.
A few questions... I'm wondering if the glass is flush with the top of the heat chamber? Is it drawing air only from straight thru the bullet, or from around the PonG collar also? How is the glass held in place in the collar, is it just wedged in? I guess Im asking how pedantic and accurate the 'all glass vapor' path statement is, where does that glass path actually start
And getting a bit ahead of myself... Are you guys considering producing any variants, maybe an 18mm connection for instance? Would that be just too big and unwieldy?
Anyway, this is really exciting to see. I was considering getting a new glass piece made for my DIY version of this (and was going to talk over an 18mm option with the glassblower), but if you guys can produce a truly satisying GonG, I'll give you my money instead