Im thinkin of orderin the Pinnacle Pro with the hydrotube water tool. Problem is the seller doesn't have the water attachment in stock so Ive been lookong at the Vaporblunt 2.0 hydrotube water attachment tools which are more intricate. The seller also has 18/14 mm decreaser adaptor which should allow me to use the Pinnacle Pro with those attachments.
Just want to ask the experts regarding these attachments whether there would be any problems with that configuration? And would it be worth the extra 50 usd? compared to the original Pinnacle Pro bundled with the water attachment? or should I just wait for the Pinnacle Pro original water attachment.
Any opinions would be much appreciated as im a newbie in vaping and have no idea regarding stackers or chuggers in hydrotube water attachments.
I thought the glass adaptor would just sit on top of the PnP PonG adaptor then on top of it all would be the water tool attachment. Plus I would be holding on to both the PnP and the water tool attachment to prevent slipping and breaking parts. I know how prone to those things I get when I'm baked :-)
Just wanna know if they would fit together like the seller says or not.
There's your problem. On the instructions included with the Pro it specifically states that the highest heat setting (5) is for use with the FMJ and waxes/oils. Use a lower heat and your issue probably goes away.
I don't have a pro model PN but still any part should withstand any temp the unit provides. You still have to use the same PonG with oil in the FMJ at the highest temp the PNP throws out.
Water tube will probably have better diffusion and since you'd be able to use the Pro standing up as intended it's FMJ compatible.So I'm gonna pick up a water cooling system and I'm deciding between the Pinnacle Water Tube or this bubbler off pipesdaddy-
Will there be any difference in performance between the two? Stealth isn't really an issue as I'd be using either of these in my home.
That pong doesn't look healthy enough to use, stop using it. TRVB said that they had someone answering phone calls. Have you tried calling them?@Ice Rasta doesn't it justthe thing is, the only thing I can see that sets this unit apart from the original Pinnacle is the fact you can up the heat levels to vape oils & wax. I like to do that, but the unit just doesn't seem to be able to cope.
@RUDE BOY does it? So how many different PonGs are out there? I've destroyed 3 altogether for what would seem to be normal use. A clear one with a thin wall (which came with my Water Tube, you know the thing that works with high-heat levels) and 2 thick walled black PonGs.
So there is a mysterious, third, different PonG? Maybe it's the one that should be shipped with this product, maybe it will be the PonG that doesn't disintegrate within a week. I'd love it if it is, it'd be good to have a unit that doesn't fall apart, I like it really - it's my first vape. I fucked combustion for this thing, went the whole hog and got the bullet holder too.
Et voila... an email in my inbox requesting my address confirmation. Shouldn't take a post on a public message board to provoke a response really VaporBlunt.
I have all three units and love them all. Why don't you read through about 20 pages of each of those threads on FC. The Solo has been around the longest, so it has the longest record. I dont know if money is an issue, you can get the Solo for $160. through Puffitup, they are an FC sponsor( I hope it's still on sale ). The other 2 units have only been out since September. The Ascent has had some faulty units and so has the Pinnacle Pro. There is always a risk with a new unit until all the bugs are worked out.
Ask questions of some of the members while you're checking things out. Our members are very thoughtful and really try to help each other. What might be good for one person may not be for someone else. Good luck with your search.
You should factor in that your own personal usage patterns may not be others. Personally I'd say that for a portable it's between the Pinnacle Pro and the Pax because I need something I can use in semi-public in a portable. I'd feel comfortable with either in a movie theater for example.Thanks a lot and this site has been the most helpful in getting more then one opinion. I'm looking to get one with my tax return so im willing to pay alittle extra to get the quality. I have thought to just wait it out another year and see what comes out but my patience is about gone since ive spent weeks researching the portable vape market haha. thanks again.