Photos used without permission from FC and other sites

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Grass Yes

Staff member
Heads up to folks here. There is an Instagram account stealing photos from FC and republishing them without permission or credit. I won't link the account here but you can find it reshared by the now.inhale account there.

I would be happy to share the account name via DM. I encourage anyone who has their photos used without permission to file a copyright report with Instagram.

Please do not harass this person. Simply use Instagram's copyright report form to request your photos are removed.
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Well-Known Member
Heads up to folks here. There is an Instagram account stealing photos from FC and republishing them without permission or credit. I won't link the account here but you can find it reshared by the now.inhale account there.

I would be happy to share the account name via DM. I encourage anyone who has their photos used without permission to file a copyright report with Instagram.
If it's just a fan account then I really don't see an issue with someone sharing photos of presumably rare vapmans. Seems like a very trivial thing to get hung up on to be honest.

Grass Yes

Staff member
If it's just a fan account then I really don't see an issue with someone sharing photos of presumably rare vapmans. Seems like a very trivial thing to get hung up on to be honest.
That's great if you don't mind your stuff being used without your permission. But I don't want my photos used and I know some others who don't. At the very least, it would be courteous to ask for permission.

It also just seems like they are just bulk downloading photos without regard to anything other than "cool look". No description, no curation, nothing useful. Just posting other people's vape photos with no context on their account. It's not just vapmans either.
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Yes, photographs posted on Instagram are copyrighted and can be used elsewhere, but only with the owner's permission.

  • Copyright
    The creator of a photograph has the sole right to distribute, reproduce, and adapt it.

  • Instagram's terms of use
    When you post a photo on Instagram, you grant the platform a license to use it. This license allows Instagram to host, distribute, modify, and more.

  • Third-party use
    Third parties need permission from the owner to use the photo, unless certain exceptions apply.

  • Fair use
    In some cases, third parties can use the photo without the owner's permission under the concept of "fair use".
What to consider
  • The purpose and character of the use is the most important factor in determining fair use.

  • How much of the work is used is also a significant factor in determining fair use.

  • In the United States, you need to register with the Copyright Office to bring a lawsuit for infringement.

I suppose that falls under FAIR USE.


I love the new blog from INHALE...the current one is excellent...I love that new addition to the marketing. Great job.


Well-Known Member
This case is absolutely not fair use. I don't want to take this off topic but this is referred to as wholesale copying.
If people don't want their photos shared then they should think twice about sharing them in a public forum. It's photos of a wooden vape device and I'm presuming no ones personal details are anywhere to be found in these photos? I honestly don't understand why this is such a bid issue to you. Cannabis is supposed to chill us out not turn us into a bunch of snobs!
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Well-Known Member
tbh i'd like to get asked if anyone uses my pics for their account. and still its my picture in the end.
Then you really should reconsider sharing your pictures on a public forum. At the end of the day it's a wooden vape, there's thousands of them. There's nothing special about yours. I get it, it's your picture but coming on here to make a big deal out of it asking users to report the page is some top tier snobbery! If folk don't want to risk the possibility of them being shared elsewhere don't post them here, it's that simple.
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Comfortably Numb
Then you really should reconsider sharing your pictures on a public forum. At the end of the day it's a wooden vape, there's thousands of them. There's nothing special about yours. I get it, it's your picture but coming on here to make a big deal out of it asking users to report the page is some top tier snobbery! If folk don't want to risk the possibility of them being shared elsewhere don't post them here, it's that simple.
Sharing digital content is an action of showing someone else’s work while stating their credentials. Using a photo on personal account pretending it’s your own content is stealing. It’s simple as that.


Well-Known Member
This case is absolutely not fair use. I don't want to take this off topic but this is referred to as wholesale copying.
You already went off topic. This site if for folk to share information about vaporizers, not for you to use it a social baton to get peoples instagram pages shut down.
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I'm No Superman!
tbh i'd like to get asked if anyone uses my pics for their account. and still its my picture in the end.
Just an example, your last picture shared here contain a metadata Copyright: CC0 (this means you waive copyright (public domain)).

It seems that sometimes you use an iPhone 12 and other times another device (or software? but I doubt it because the date of the profile is 2018, so it's probably a camera that's not up to date).

I invite you to learn more about creative commons licenses and change this variable on your camera (or image-editing software?). Perhaps also find out about any private metadata to be deleted (it can contain highly compromising information such as your location, timezone etc.). A picture hides many things and can even be used to hide/transmit a message.

Ideally, FC should host users pictures itself and automatically remove compromising metadata as well as add an exclusive copyright license (that you will accept when registering on the forum) and you would then be protected as you should be.

Please also note that FC does not currently host any pictures, so they don't have any rights in this respect (public domain) and you depend exclusively on the host on which you upload your picture (imgur, imgbb etc., which may have different conditions of use (and I invite you to read them.. because some may accept your choice of license, and others may impose theirs on you if you use their service)).

Anyway, if you care about rights and freedoms, you won't use IG 🙃


Well-Known Member
Thats a Important question that DgN'R just brought up. I guess it i could figure out for myself but every picture hosting service has its own policy whether all metadata attributes are stripped off or retained . We could institute a ban on people scraping all the pictures off but hey someone could just as easily go to the picture hosting site itself and steal the pictures from there.

I know i will probably want to go and grab a file utility to clean all photo EXIF data from the photos . I don't particularly care if someone has a photo i posted, but i kind of hate the idea if the original EXIF data is intact it has the physical location where the photo was taken. It wouldn't take much intelligence for someone to figure out that if 90 % of the photos are from one place then that is where you live.

Does FC host any of its pictures at this time? I know that would be a major cost and its nice to see it remain free for users.
i had one additional thought on this. What about a site like Pinterest? Pinterest is nothing but pictures. From what i understand there is a way for individual web sites to block someone from pinning content from here, but i think it is universal and not on a user by user basis. To play devil's advocate for a second, i know some people are opposed to seeing this content elsewhere but the flip side of this is that all photos on Pinterest link back to the source (here) and you are shown the photo in the context it was originally posted. This helps build this community, add members etc. and this is essentially I discovered this place. Originally i was finding stuff on Reddit but just too many immature people on there. This may be a discussion that the Mods on here should discuss.
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New Member
I post it and tell you exactly what I'm doing. @rabbitsdhv_archive. This all started when I received my woodscents and the love and appreciation that I have for it and other artisan vaporizers. I wanted to put together a library telling the hist of these vaporizers through the eyes of the people that created them and love them. I just wanted an easy way for people to see user generated content and to hopefully help some of these artisan makers out. This is my passion I love vaporizers. I love this industry. I don't want to see these independent artisan companies go away. I want them to thrive. I want anyone that appreciates them to be able to see them and learn about them.

As far as the copyright issue. It would have been an impossible task to try to get permission or give created on thousands of pictures some over 10 year old.

Everyone has been enjoying this. This is the only person making a big deal out of it. He apparently is an angry person that doesn't want these companies to last.

I tried explaining to them that what I am doing is research and reporting. I tried to explain that this is protected under the fair use act and my first amendment right to freedom of press.

I do not believe that I'm doing anything wrong. I am truly doing this just to help and out of my love for these products.

If I have offended anyone or made anyone upset I really am very sorry that is not my intention.


Grass Yes

Staff member
If I have offended anyone or made anyone upset I really am very sorry that is not my intention.
Take down the photos for anyone who hasn't granted you permission. It's that simple. Even if it was within your rights, it would still be uncool to use them without permission or credit. As is, it definitely is a copyright violation.


No thoughts, head empty
Wait a sec. Did the mod start a thread to crowd fund a crowd to attack someone in another platform? That's a new low.:\
This thread was initially posted in the vapman thread to warn that some/all photos from FC were being reposted to instagram without permission or credit, and NowInhale had reposted some of them. Then it got moved to its own thread for the lively discussion that this has inspired.

I’d be annoyed at someone pretending to have taken any of my images and passed them off as their own without any credit, but also wouldn’t be shocked if I have waived my rights to copyright by uploading to imgur in the first place.
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New Member
This thread was initially posted in the vapman thread to warn that some/all photos from FC were being reposted to instagram without permission or credit, and NowInhale had reposted some of them. Then it got moved to its own thread for the lively discussion that this has inspired.

I’d be annoyed at someone pretending to have taken any of my images and passed them off as their own without any credit, but also wouldn’t be shocked if I have waived my rights to copyright by uploading to imgur in the first place.
I would just like to add i have not passed anything off as mine. I have never said a single item has belonged to me that I don't own.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I would just like to add i have not passed anything off as mine. I have never said a single item has belonged to me that I don't own.

Okay, but now that I see your Instagram, I see my photos already, with my glass in view, showing the Angus that I hated? (it is also not at all an artisan vape mind you) Can you please remove my photos... I don't post any of them on Instagram for my reasons and I would appreciate my photos not being shared there that way by you, even if I waved whatever rights by posting them to whatever image hoster and sharing here... Is that not a pretty reasonable request now that I know?


Well-Known Member
I would just like to add i have not passed anything off as mine. I have never said a single item has belonged to me that I don't own.
Here is a suggestion for you to defuse the situation. I think you might start by putting a standard disclaimer on your account. " None of these photos are mine and are collected from across the Internet. If you have an issue with a photo I have posted and are claiming copyright infringement please let know. I will remove the offending content". I have seen statements like this on numerous sites including Flickr & Facebook. The reality is many of the photos from here are also on the manufacturers site as well. If you include attribution you would also be doing people a service to tell them where they might find the item to purchase. Crediting FC as well might drive more traffic to this web site. I probably don't have anything you want but feel free to repost anything from me (sadly lol).


New Member
I have added a disclaimer stating that all pictures are not mine and taken from forums unless specified. I want to also make it clear that I am not removing any pictures and will continue posting. I am truly sorry if that makes you mad but to be honest what im doing is not about you. I think what I am doing is right. I am introducing people to these amazing products and companies. I am preserving the history of these companies. Again I'm very sorry if I make you mad but my work is going to continue.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I have added a disclaimer stating that all pictures are not mine and taken from forums unless specified. I want to also make it clear that I am not removing any pictures and will continue posting. I am truly sorry if that makes you mad but to be honest what im doing is not about you. I think what I am doing is right. I am introducing people to these amazing products and companies. I am preserving the history of these companies. Again I'm very sorry if I make you mad but my work is going to continue.

Honestly I think your self righteousness makes me more mad, than the fact that you took my photos without disclaiming or asking, using them in such a vague way (like you write in the description yllvape yet show all my custom glass as if they had anything to do with that) sure it is one thing, but furthermore I think my photos are not even good, I share them here on FC with early testing as a way of giving back to the community in a way I appreciated when I first joined here... They are messy poor quality photos for the most part, vague and random without context especially there, that I would not have posted in a photo heavy environment like that, it's like ugly? So it makes me question how well you do what you are doing, furthermore not pushing people to FC, not mentioning other artisans, but promoting certain mass-produced things... And then you have this reaction when called out on it, no graciousness or respect imo, you sound like a real piece of work and I really want to say worse to you lol


Well-Known Member
I have added a disclaimer stating that all pictures are not mine and taken from forums unless specified. I want to also make it clear that I am not removing any pictures and will continue posting. I am truly sorry if that makes you mad but to be honest what im doing is not about you. I think what I am doing is right. I am introducing people to these amazing products and companies. I am preserving the history of these companies. Again I'm very sorry if I make you mad but my work is going to continue.
i think that is good, but if you have a request like above that someone wishes to NOT have pictures on there you should honor the request to remove them.

I was going to suggest that FC NOT make a blanket rule that NO pictures from FC be allowed on any external site. The reason i say that is first it is not really enforceable. Secondly as i pointed out above I may have pictures hosted on a photo site and then share them 10 different web sites. You can't definitively say they came from FC if the photo was scraped from FC or the photo site. That being said a takedown request should ALWAYS be honored.

I like this site and like what is represents. I think that's why codex064 posted these pics in the first place and i also understand why people don't want their personal stuff on Instagram. These are just suggestions to help defuse the situation.
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