Great to hear the progress in week 1! While it might seem that things are slowing down, I'm really hopeful we'll reach the goal. Although the price point is on the higher side, I believe the materials and uniqueness justify the cost. After all, it’s the first wireless zirconia vape and the only diffuser with a tapered seal between the bowl and heater that I know of. Investing in tools that enhance our experiences is important, and this seems like a worthwhile investment. Let’s keep the momentum going!

Appreciate the good faith and support friend!!
We just need to get a few more of the people who have been asking for it to go ahead and ring that bell
I’m super excited about it, could potentially take over the brand if it goes well.
I had a bit of a setback on the 20MM hybrid design but it’s been addressed and even better now. That will probably be my last desktop flower design for quite a while.
If the 25MM wireless is funded the 20MM Hybrid will definitely be pushed back. If the 25MM project is cancelled there’s a better chance of seeing the 20MM this year. These other designs are probably going to take priority though as I want to try some other categories beyond plugin desktops.
Dang, why'd I go with the 9mm Dani Fusion? Guess it's finally time to buy a dynavap...
If it goes over well the 9MM model would quickly follow next. It’s already been considered and designed to accommodate that, it’s just that the 8MM format is more popular, so it makes more sense to debut that size first.
Count me in on the 8mm Dynavap stem. Always good to have a compact portable. Yeah baby.
I’ll be interested in all of it!!! lol.
I’m pretty excited about it as I really went back to the drawing board when coming up with this one. With these hotter and hotter portables coming out it makes more sense to do something like this and fill a void, especially with the Revolve being discontinued.
I haven't yet pulled the trigger on the XXL, it's a little spendy and I'm not convinced it offers me much more than the ZXL that's already a favourite. I'm very much looking forward to first impressions though. The wireless thing is strangely tempting even though I vape very close to the PID.
I'm very excited about the dab stuff and also looking forward to getting more info there! I'm definately in the market for a phase3 concentrate solution.
Cheers friend,
For folks with a ZXL it’s probably going to be pretty familiar so I understand and respect your take.
I think if I would have just built it like I originally planned - sharing the ZXL bowl, and just using the same screened inlets/outlets it would have been more accessible. But the change to a diffuser requiring a whole new bowl and handle, plus the fully machined solid inlets and outlets makes it much more expensive to produce.
The price breaks from the CNC machining on this low of a quantity are really minimal.
Super excited about the concentrate stuff as well because I think any true enthusiast of vaporization is probably going to end up there. I see a lot of opportunities to carry over knowledge I’ve learned here and innovate in that neighbor space.
Very exciting about all the different products. Just wanted to say that I’m perfectly satisfied with the ZX, especially since the Z bowl was released. Good daily driver, I get multiple hits on small bowls. Good flavor, clouds. I’ll buy that DV stem, though. I really don’t care about wireless.
The ZX is the one I use all day, every day!
I get a big, smooth, tasty hit off a tiny lil dusting of herb and I think that’s just great. My favorite flower vape for sure.
I tried to make the ZX with the perfect bowl size, where the vapor never really gets too harsh or hot even if you hit it every hour.
Will the stem work well with the "hotter" heads like the TA? Any idea on the length? Would prefer something longer than the DV XL length.
It’s currently 75MM long (~3” inches) with an effective cooling area of 12” inches
And yes it’s absolutely ready for all those hotter heads. Leaning more towards the Anvil/Tempest/TA with their own air inlets. No airport or air inlet on the stem. I suppose the newer Dyna tips are designed to pass more air through the tips now so they should be a good match too.
It’s radically different from any other cooling stem I’ve seen yet as it’s designed to actively cool the vapor.
Other popular cooling stems use some floating, isolated mass of surface area to tame the heat - the problem is there’s never anywhere for that stored heat to go except back into the exact same airstream we’re trying to cool, or into the devices own housing, becoming hot to the touch.
For cooling to occur we must dissipate heat faster than we store it. Otherwise the cooling capability continues to decrease throughout the session, and even more so with back to back bowls if that stored heat isn’t shed.
If a cooling stem becomes its own thermal battery, we know it’s not working right.
My last cooling stem, the Mako, was designed to address some of these shortcomings. But in use it shared some of the same problems with stored heat, especially with back to back bowls. I started over from scratch using everything I learned from that stem to address these thermodynamic discrepancies and design something that truly worked better.
Furthermore it’s easy to clean (no wood, zero moving parts) made entirely of medical grade materials, and designed to minimize any additional draw restriction which occurs whenever cooling features are added.
Waiting on my ZX to ship! I'm excited for this and has peaked my interest. I also was curious if it would be effective on hotter applications like the TA.
Cheers friend I can’t wait to get you that ZX and hear how you like it! And the 8MM system is definitely ready for the TA and any other “hot heads”