dang can't imagine there may not be any more of these out in the world! what a marvel of vape engineering. I love this thing so much and it's making me consider the ZXL - really just a bigger bowl is the only thing I'd want to try differently right now. ZX is bliss.
Thanks for the sweet comment! The ZX is definitely pure convection bliss
Yielding to the pressures of the market can be unfortunate because true success often lies in innovation and not conformity to the norm.
Exactly, that's why I want to do something innovative
I mean, I have done innovative things, I'm just not great at capitalizing on any of them lol.
I totally agree with you. I vote for
Blue ocean
"Blue ocean is a business strategy focusing on creating new market spaces rather than competing in existing ones."
In fairness I pretty much created the blueprint and roadmap for the purpose-built, coil powered ruby ball vape, which has gone on to single handedly revive a sector of the vape industry that was totally dying. Even VapExhale went out of business. The only reason I even started this project is because nobody was making desktop vapes chasing this level of performance and purity so at the time it seemed like a real opportunity. In 2019 I figured who else would do it if I didn't, as the main seller in the category at the time for a number of years was a section of titanium rod with some holes drilled in it.
I just wasted way too much time focusing on perfecting and testing all the little details when I should have immediately went into selling them and building a brand. Lesson learned I guess
Hi buddy
@VaPeD&CoNfUsEd makes them and provides a stiff pre fit basket screen (which I use inverted) which can be placed anywhere in the main downstem of the wpa. Its primarily designed for the couchlog but works very well with micro or macro loads on the zx. Just slide up or down. Love it. Still prefer the zirc bowl but for larger hits its mega.
I haven't tried it before but I would imagine you could even use a basket screen in the zirconia bowl and place it deeper in the joint to load more herb.
Yes, but a metallic conduction vape could revive his business.
And knowing Ryan it will be an epic vape.
It would definitely be epic.
Basically it would be a brand new design for a coil powered high surface area convection heating head, but unlike the 100% pure convection approach in the zirconia designs, the new design would utilize a bowl which gets much hotter to create a dense hybrid extraction experience in a sleek and attractive form factor. A hybrid experience is realistically almost always going to be conduction dominant eventually during the extraction process, so the goal is to add less resistant convection inputs compared to current market designs to create an effortless experience for thick, dense clouds.
Everything would be optimized for heat transfer, airflow, materials purity, affordability, and manufacturability.
This concept is inspired by and a continuation of a prototype concept I show sometimes in this thread.
Some of the main differences from the old design in that clip would be a revised convection head design featuring significantly increased surface area and a faster heating bowl.
Blew my dad's old stoner buddies away tonight with my zx and bubbler. Put less than they do in their chillum (they're really old school) and got all of them out to the moon with a sprinkling of herb.
Hell, they had trouble finishing the snappers I gave them. Not because it was harsh, but because the ZX is a beast.
I've now got my dad's best friend wanting to consult me for finding a good vape for him.
Always the best thing to read! Love hearing stories of folks getting "blown away" by the power!
The ZX is ridiculously efficient, even using it all day and night long is like less than one fat joints worth of material.
How long is the coil of the latest batch?
Do you know a place to buy sapphire spheres?
The very latest ones are the 5 wrap coils. Some of the ones from the Nov 1 batch had the shorter wrap coils.
Not sure on the small batch sapphires as I get them wholesale in large batches. Possibly I could offer them on my website.
I don’t want to tell you how to run your business but it’s a bit annoying seeing you have the time to post on FC complaining that not enough people are buying your vapes, when you printed a label out for my order on Sunday (5 days after I ordered it) and still didn’t bother to bring it to the post office this week. Not expecting Amazon Prime style turnaround times here but it’s been almost two weeks…
I usually do have Amazon Prime style turnaround times but I'm in a different time zone than my products are located taking care of sick people while attempting to generate a livelihood to offer me the ability to spend time with them while they are still alive.
A family member was supposed to be helping me out with sending parcels while I'm gone but apparently they aren't really able to commit to it I guess as this is the second time someone has mentioned packages not going out.
What's annoying is that if I was sending out more packages I could possibly find a shipping company to help me but at my current volume I'm limited with that.
Obviously I don't have any idea who you are or your order number or anything so unfortunately I can't offer much assistance publicly through this particular correspondence. I'm going to nudge my cousin at getting these packages sent out but if you'd prefer a refund I'd never hold anyones money hostage. Transparency is important and I'm committed to that. I assumed they were already sent out.
The truth is if the business was doing better it would be a lot easier to uphold the level of service I'm used to offering so that's why I speak on it, because I know my communication has been suffering. Suffice to say it's easier to get excited about something when things are going really well.
Thanks so much for your support and patience.
So, I finally received my kit on tuesday

I'm in love with this little thing and I can't stop using it...I was having a bit of difficult at the beginning to exctract everything, then I streched my coil (i've got the 4 wraps)and everything changed...now I'm at 530 for nice dark brown avb...480 in the morning when I wanna enjoy the taste this vape can give

I find the high signature of the zx to be very euphorical and cerebral while the same flower use to give me more of a couchlog and body high with T360...I like it a lot because apart for the 30 seconds of mental emptiness after a little bowl, I can then keep doing all the stuff i was doing or that need to be done...
The size of the bowl is simply perfect and I like the ritual of loading, ripping, and unloading so I prefer to take 2 smallest bowl than one bigger...I load around 0.1, sometimes even less, and it instat whitewalls my bubbler, and most important thing, I haven't cough one time since got it...never..even with bigger bowls....for sure is the less irritating vape I ever tried no doubt, and wow....it is beautiful to be able to vape, even big rip, without having to cough, it makes my session really much more confortable and relaxed

I'm in love with ZX and I'm very happy of the purchase...I feel like totally satisfied now with desktop vapes...Thanks Ryan for this gem
Hey there friend thanks so much for your patience and I'm glad we could get everything worked out for you, I knew you'd absolutely love the experience and I'm delighted to read that's turning out to be correct! Thanks so much for your support, I appreciate all of you folks on other sides of the planet supporting my small business.
Those small one hit snappers is exactly what I built the ZX for and that's where it truly shines IMHO, it keeps the flavor fresh and the experience incredibly smooth and satisfying. That's awesome to read that you're already noticing the benefits, most convection vapes designs can be quite harsh to me from inhaling extraneous hot air, even some of my earlier designs; but the ZX never irritates me - even using it around the clock.
Reading these comments makes me want to keep offering the ZX as I know it's a great design that excels at what it's made to do, I'll see what I can do to keep them coming. It would be cool to do some new designs too; it's always fun to me to test new designs and work on these things.
Cheers all and thanks for your time and the opportunity to be here.
Kind regards and have a very terpy weekend everyone!