Just so we're all on the same page, these parts would be bright shiny white, not actually purple like my 3D model. Although purple would still be really cool
Wanted to address a few questions I received here just to provide some more information.
1. Have you used or seen Zirconia used as a heater? At the temps we’re using is it durable and safe to inhale through?
I have not seen it used nor used it personally in a heater yet, the rated max temperatures are around 1500-1900 degrees celsius, which is many times the safety factor of our operating temperatures. Based on InV1.7 metrics it wouldn't be exposed to much over 500 degrees Fahrenheit (~260C)
Zirconia has seen notable use in ball valves for all kinds of chemical / fluid processing that is too harsh for metals.
Zirconia is the least brittle of any technical ceramic. It's about 400% tougher than alumina ceramic, which is what other ceramic ball vapes are made of.
"The most significant difference between these two materials is the price. Cost for zirconia is more than doubled for even the best alumina material. One of the reasons is the cost of the raw material. Compared with Zr, Al is far more abundant in the crust and it’s much cheaper. On the other hand, Yttrium oxide, widely used as stabilizer for Zirconia, is a rare earth element with limited source.
However, it is the cost for shaping zirconia that contributes the major part. Density of zirconia is much higher than alumina and wear resistance of zirconia is far better than alumina. To ground down same thicknesses for zirconia takes almost 10x more time than alumina and consume more diamond tools. Also, since the thermal shock resistance for zirconia is poor and requires higher sintering temperature, the sintering process also cost more than alumina."
Both of alumina and zirconia are oxide material and could be sintered without vacuum, they share a lot in manufacturing equipment and have similar appearance.
This is why the pricing for this vape is what it is, as it's simply more expensive to make.
Also all the other ceramic ball vapes are molded, so none of their pricing is based on CNC machining anyways.
2. I still haven’t tried a ball vape, but I’ve heard both that the flavor can be compromised (maybe for people pushing the envelope on extraction speed?) and that it can be very good. I believe that the 1.7 has great reviews on flavor, but I don’t know what temps they’re running or what they’re comparing it to.
Many of the 1.7 owners have most of the good stuff on the market, so maybe some will chime in on that regard.
3. Have you managed to get all of the metal out of the heater, or is there still a screen? That’s not a dealbreaker, but especially if you’re going for purity and the high end of the market I think a pure zirconia/ruby heater would be a good selling point.
There's still one metal screen on the underside.
There's a recessed groove for the half inch screen to lock into and securely fasten the beads. It should be more secure than any of the other housings I've done yet.
It would be great to get rid of the bottom screen, but I don't really want to go for a threaded connection as I feel they tend to promote an un-optimized coil contact, which stagnates heat transfer. Plus the added mass of a fully enclosed housing requires higher operating temperatures to achieve the same performance. Also, a threaded shroud would further increase the price which might scare some people
As for one without the metal screen - I wouldn't be that surprised if we see one in a few weeks from one of my many inspired competitors
4. Is there a good way to secure it to the coil? The friction fit of the 1.7 worried me a little…with the more precise machining going on with the new parts I think it should be possible to lock things in place.
Yes, I call it COIL-LOK technology.
But it's still theoretical. Will only truly know more after application.
Also unlike 1.7 it can't fall out from the bottom of the coil since the top of the housing is larger than the bottom, just like InV1-1.5
5. What's the story with the bowl? Off the shelf or designed specifically for the heater?
The end is tapered to fit into any 14/20 or 14/23 lab glass adapter.
The standard kit would come with a basic glass adapter, but I've also got a drawing for a fixed screen/full glass bowl I'd like to get quoted on, which could potentially show up if there's enough interest in the kit, as that would largely dictate the pricing of the bowl.
Speaking of interest, do reach out if you're interested in supporting the quest.
Pricing for the diamond milled and polished white zirconia ceramic housing filled with beads and basic glass bowl is $330
Fitted with a new 16MM Disorderly Conduction coil is $420
Also I was asked if this is truly going to be a one-off run or a continual release. It definitely depends on the interest, if just putting a small run together takes too much effort, it will just be one and done and I'll move on to something else. If there's a lot of interest, then more effort would go into making them more available.