Phase3 Vaporizers




Well-Known Member
I have a similar reducer from Oregon Glass Blower. The stock screens work well in it and the ZX appears to mate perfectly to it.

I do feel I get slightly better performance with the stock adapter compared to the OGB reducer. The stock adapter feels slightly more restrictive on the intake, which is (IMO) the reason for the performance difference. But I am sure tweaking the temp of the ZX, which I did not do on my quick comparisons, can help overcome that difference.


A-la-carte ZX's are now on sale as well for 15% off.



Well-Known Member
How do you guys use the zx with hash? I use "devegetalized hemp fiber" that I rub in a ball then stretched to a flat circle and do a pile in the bowl of fiber then powdered hash and so on to avoid big clumps formation while enjoying big tasty clouds from long slow draws on 520°F. The long slow draw sucking too much of those trics through the screen and due to be well exposed in the fiber, it's just super efficicent
I currently have some unpressed bubble hash so I can pour on the fiber bed with a little spoon, very satisfying 😊
Only downside, the screen needs more cleaning than with dry herb

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
How do you guys use the zx with hash? I use "devegetalized hemp fiber" that I rub in a ball then stretched to a flat circle and do a pile in the bowl of fiber then powdered hash and so on to avoid big clumps formation while enjoying big tasty clouds from long slow draws on 520°F. The long slow draw sucking too much of those trics through the screen and due to be well exposed in the fiber, it's just super efficicent
I currently have some unpressed bubble hash so I can pour on the fiber bed with a little spoon, very satisfying 😊
Only downside, the screen needs more cleaning than with dry herb
Thanks for your contribution, I also consume hash with the ZX, the old school one, simply laid down and a little packed on the screen (hash is heated with a lighter beforehand, then crumbled).

The PID temperature varies between 500 and 520°F. I vape, then carefully stir about twenty times until all the material has been extracted. The puffs are delicious at first, then the clouds become denser and denser. In the end, a dark, dried powder remains at the bottom of the bowl. Then I start again with a new screen.

This is the first time I've been able to deposit such a large quantity of hash in a vaporizer without it clogging the screen (except Volcano, to my knowledge). I really appreciate this innovation, which reduces handling :tup:

With delicious clouds of hash vapor :)
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Just a few ZX’s left in stock if you’ve been thinking about grabbing one now is definitely a great time 😄

Holler if you need anything!

- Ryan


Get your own^

Disorderly Conduction dual PID @412, ZX on SBL bowl, GooRoo HD 3 Piece

Love seeing the low temp action! :mmmm:

Just going to drop these two videos here quick...
Took a while to dial in but it's an absolute miniscule beast of a convection vaporizer!!

Highly recommended!!
Review to follow later...


Fantastic to see you in here sir! Thanks so much for sharing!! And your feedback means a lot coming from one of the most experienced vapor enthusiasts on the planet! Respect to you FC-OG!

currently have some unpressed bubble hash so I can pour on the fiber bed with a little spoon, very satisfying 😊

Unpressed is definitely preferable in my experience if one has access to it! The additional exposed surface area really lets the convection heat transfer through the resinous matrix!

Lower grade dry sift is one of my personal favorite things to vape. There’s enough plant material to act as it’s own wick, while still retaining the smoothness and high flavor that comes from vaporizing a cleaner product!

The puffs are delicious at first, then the clouds become denser and denser. In the end, a dark, dried powder remains at the bottom of the bowl. Then I start again with a new screen.

That sounds like a real treat to wind down with in the evening! 😁

Love hash, though it’s not so popular here in the United States. For some reason it’s much more popular up the road at our North American neighbors in Canada. I’ve had a couple haschish specific vape designs but have not had a chance to explore it much yet. Dab culture on the other hand is extremely prevalent here.

At 420 with the ZX it’s normally enough with some good hash
:rockon: is that on a DC controller?


Well-Known Member
Just a few ZX’s left in stock if you’ve been thinking about grabbing one now is definitely a great time 😄

Holler if you need anything!

- Ryan


Love seeing the low temp action! :mmmm:

Fantastic to see you in here sir! Thanks so much for sharing!! And your feedback means a lot coming from one of the most experienced vapor enthusiasts on the planet! Respect to you FC-OG!

Unpressed is definitely preferable in my experience if one has access to it! The additional exposed surface area really lets the convection heat transfer through the resinous matrix!

Lower grade dry sift is one of my personal favorite things to vape. There’s enough plant material to act as it’s own wick, while still retaining the smoothness and high flavor that comes from vaporizing a cleaner product!

That sounds like a real treat to wind down with in the evening! 😁

Love hash, though it’s not so popular here in the United States. For some reason it’s much more popular up the road at our North American neighbors in Canada. I’ve had a couple haschish specific vape designs but have not had a chance to explore it much yet. Dab culture on the other hand is extremely prevalent here.

:rockon: is that on a DC controller?
Yes with the DC


I’m not sure that I should really be sharing any of this stuff or not. Not exactly sure if my vulnerability makes me look better or worse. This thread is essentially a diary at this point. That’s alright with me, but maybe I should just talk about vapes 🤷

Old post I know but for what it's worth I just snagged a ZX and I'd been going back and forth on buying a ball vape ever since they started taking off. Your openness in this thread is exactly what convinced me to finally do it :tup:


Vapes R Great
Discovered these last night when browsing the ball vape thread
checked out the website and bought a kit within a few minutes lol
I’m Actually satisfied with my current setups Halo and B1, but I’m intrigued by the zirconia and all the great reviews
shipped already this morning :tup:


Well-Known Member
Discovered these last night when browsing the ball vape thread
checked out the website and bought a kit within a few minutes lol
I’m Actually satisfied with my current setups Halo and B1, but I’m intrigued by the zirconia and all the great reviews
shipped already this morning :tup:
First switch I flip every day. These are really the right size for me and the vapor quality is outstanding. Hope you enjoy it!


Discovered these last night when browsing the ball vape thread
checked out the website and bought a kit within a few minutes lol
I’m Actually satisfied with my current setups Halo and B1, but I’m intrigued by the zirconia and all the great reviews
shipped already this morning :tup:

Thanks so much for giving us a shot!!

Let us know what ya think!!



Well-Known Member
As for the coil, I was thinking of stretching it to the part that remains outside the bowl when the ZX is inserted into it. What are your thoughts on this? For reference my coil has one less turn than DC Coil. Could it affect the ZX's compatibility with future bowls?

Has anyone tried SKO's bowl with Z?
What do you think of DFreez's wooden bowls for ZX, do they add anything to the experience? 14 or 18 mm?


As for the coil, I was thinking of stretching it to the part that remains outside the bowl when the ZX is inserted into it. What are your thoughts on this? For reference my coil has one less turn than DC Coil. Could it affect the ZX's compatibility with future bowls?

Has anyone tried SKO's bowl with Z?
What do you think of DFreez's wooden bowls for ZX, do they add anything to the experience? 14 or 18 mm?

It's not really necessary to stretch the coils but plenty of people have done it, especially with non DC coils.
As long as the coil isn't binding on the bowl when inserted it would be fine.

I don't really recommend pairing zirconia with a metal bowl as the goal here is pure convection, but it would probably fit if you wanted to play with conduction.

A bunch of people like the wooden bowls, hopefully some more folks chime in on that!


Well-Known Member
What do you think of DFreez's wooden bowls for ZX, do they add anything to the experience? 14 or 18 mm?
I like them, they're nicely made and neutral regarding heat. Flavor's fairly neutral, wood's solid and lovely. I believe I saw that he was still perfecting the joints when mine were made--one sits slightly higher in the joint than normal and the other lower, but they both make a solid connection with no leaks or wiggles. I'd recommend them for sure.


I’ve got six ZX’s left in stock but only three bowls, so if you’re looking to grab a ZX now I’d suggest the plug & play kit, but there’s a few a-la-carte housings available for your vaping pleasure as well!

Cheers all and happy Friday!
Hit me up if I can help with anything :wave:



@invertedisdead Will you be restocking bowls? I meant to grab a couple spares but they are gone now.

It's gonna be a while before I have more glass bowls as I put all of my earnings into the zirconia bowls coming up next. Solid State Concepts is working on some glass bowls for me right now though. Also the ZX still works with any off the shelf 14/20 or 14/23 glass adapter.

Also realistically, in the sake of transparency; sales are still down a lot and I'm still dealing with the consequences of that, so there's just no money left to order them, more beads, or more electronics.

I might still have to run a pre-order to even get the zirconia bowls here 🤷‍♂️

I'm not sure that there's any room for me in this industry. It was worth trying, and I gave it my 110% all, but at this point I'm about ready to start looking for new work.

I said I wasn't going to get involved in these games, racing to the bottom; but I see the posts and that's exactly what people want; so the options are just looking slimmer and slimmer. Wish it wasn't like this but it is what it is. This is a hard industry to survive and in the last 10+ years I've seen nearly every company come and go so I have to be prepared to face the same fate.
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