I always pack my oven as full as possible. I also get herbs stuck on the oven cover. I load my Pax this full because i prefer to only load it once a day.
In the year I have had my Pax, I have experimented with several temp levels and methods of hitting. For the longest part of the year, I used my Pax only on high (aka vapor shocking) and would take 2 to 3 second "sips" followed by a 5 second pause then repeat. I then moved down to Medium temp because I felt I was getting an odd flavor profile when on high temp. On Medium temp, I followed the same "sip" routine as when using the unit on High temp. Recently however, I have now moved on to using the low setting. I get much thinner vapor, but the flavor profile is very good and lasts for many more hits. I feel I get a different high on low temperature. I also load BHO in every oven load and was concerned that the oil would not vape correctly at lower temperatures but found all temp levels to work just fine on melting the BHO. On the low setting, I like to take 7-8 second draws (or until it starts to feel hot on my lips) and then break for 5 seconds then repeat. After vapor production stops on low. I then vape on Medium until no more vapor production could be noticed. It should be noted as well that I stir my loads often, usually after I notice no more vapor being produced. After no more vapor production on medium, I toss the load. I found that I could get more out of the herb if I moved up to high temperature but the effects on me were undesirable (mainly getting very sleepy and wanting bed NOW, terrible taste also).
Hard to say how many draws I get from a load. I can reasonably guess that I get at least 20+ "sips" or "draws" on a full oven load. I try to turn off my Pax after every hit to make it more efficient. This will affect battery performance but I always have a charger handy and have not found myself regretting the increased battery usage. I don't like having the unit vape weed while I am holding in a big hit. This seems like a waste.. IMO
I have found the Pax to be a very portable, durable unit. I have used mine for a year, multiple times everyday and it keeps on vaping! I have even had friends and myself drop the unit by accident with no functional loss, although I do have a couple deep scratches on the case.

Although this unit is not recommended for concentrates. I find it to be awesome at vaping concentrates! I would much rather vape concentrates in my Pax than in my dab pen. It should be noted that I always sandwich my oils and have not ever tried just concentrates alone.
In closing, although the Pax is not a perfect vape, it fit my stealth and performance requirements more than any other pocket sized vape could achieve IMO. I considered the Solo (too big, glass pieces to carry around), the MFLB (having to carry extra batteries,very easy to combust), The Pinnacle (this was close. However when handling the unit at the LHS, it felt kinda cheaply made) and the Palm (carry extra batteries and also felt VERY cheap). I have been very happy with my Pax and would buy another to fill my stealth/performance requirements if something were to happen to my current Pax.