We're here to fuck shit up.
Damn Welderboy! How many times have you changed out your batteries? What do you currently have in your Pax? Have you had any problems?
In fairness it could be perceived as unsafe, I once tried repacking the pax with my finger too recently after using it. Oh, I'm the dumb person hes talking about. hahaha. jkDumb people? Who are you talking to? In the video he was saying that the Pax is an unsafe device. The Pax is not an unsafe device.
honestly , this improve everything !
it heat more equally( the brass sure does help)
it give me more clouds
better airflow
better taste
less material
well for me this does it pretty good !
in your opinion which would work better, brass screens or stainless steel?honestly , this improve everything !
it heat more equally( the brass sure does help)
it give me more clouds
better airflow
better taste
less material
well for me this does it pretty good !
IMO your opinion which would work better, brass screens or stainless steel?
Hey! Long time lurker, first time poster.
Would this work good with the pax or is the infamous $40 pipesdaddy bubbler better?
Also, is it worth it to even spend the money on the adapter for the water pipe, or is it not that amazing?
One last question, how exactly should i cut the silicone tubing and what should i do to stretch it around the pax and the glass adapter piece?
Thanks Triplegun! I didn't know that the solid red light meant that. Thanks! I wonder if adding some of the lubrication will help. HAHAHAi solid red light might mean something with the "temp light" function. i think if you are contacting ploom ...people had said to use the "chat with us" feature, it will be faster than wait for an email back
yeah it's orange here too.when i purchased my PAX i had a problem with my first one, the battery wouldnt keep a charge. My second Pax has been working great since i got it. When charging the light looks more orange to me.
hey ,My Pax is doing the "temp setting while in use" issue more and more often, I forgot what the solution to this issue is, can anyone tell me or show me a post explaining it?
lol mmj users are a fickle bunch! Myself included lol!This is the only sub forum where I've seen so much nastiness. I'll admit that there are a lot of sub forums that I haven't been to, but I've never seen behavior in any of the ones I do peruse like I see in here.
I know im just saying as a mmj user, when im medicated r im just as likely to not even give a f*** as I am to reply to people like that. Making me pretty fickle depending on the indo or sativa lolno it was just one bad seed really.