Wow, a lot of love for the Pax! I have been considering buying one, but for $250 I have to pause...the Arizer Solo seems to be a better vape experience to me (and not just because it's cheaper), but here are my concerns with the Pax: made in China is a huge factor, need to use lube, need to clean it frequently (I am anal and clean my devices often, but the Pax seems ridiculous), the mouthpiece issue, charging issues, and other annoying issues I have read on these 275 pages...I would love an honest opinion (not just because you bought one and think you have to report great results) of the quality of the vapor and the cleaning issues, and your overall impressions. Thanks so much!
Hey Looper, Welcome to FC. I hope you find this place as informative and overwhelming as I do
$250 is a lot to spend, even if you can easily afford it you are right to pause.
I haven't been lucky enough to try a Solo yet but I am sure it is a quality unit. It was on my short list before I decided on the PAX. I decided on the PAX because of the design (stealth form factor, no glass to break, no "stem" piece) and the oven size (better suits my usage). The PAX replaced joints in my cigarette pack. To me it was the better choice for me to confidently leave combustion behind.
To address some of your specific concerns:
made in China: Way of the world? it was designed in San Francisco. I found it exhausting to buy exclusively american made goods, especially when trying to verify if a manufacturer's "american made" claim was true. Now I just try to do business with companies that share similar values (great service is one) and hope they make the best decisions. Solo is made in Canada I see.
need to use lube: I haven't used any lube and the reports here are that a drop on the outside of the MP tube works. If I ever hit a wall where the device simply won't stop with the temp light I will try some lube. So far I have not needed any.
need to clean it ridiculously frequently: If you consider yourself "anal and clean" you should have no issues with the PAX. I am not those things and I have had no issues that a pipe cleaner (dry) and soaking the mouth piece in 99% ISO does not clear right up. I clean mainly to restore taste as a dirty oven and air path can lead to an unpleasant resin taste.
charging issues: I have not had any charging issues. The charger feels cheap and I wish they had gone with a standard USB type connection but everything works. I have the Cobra car charger ordered now.
quality of vapor: To me this is an electric joint. I pack about the same amount and work my way through the temperatures (low, medium, high). On low I get great flavor and quality clouds of vapor, lighter than smoke but noticeable. Bumping the temp up to med/high gets the most out of your material and generates some serious clouds but flavor will suffer. Smaller loads minimize that issue. I stir if I feel like it but it doesn't seem to be a requirement. I have used the PAX with up to 4 people during a session and it performed splendidly. We needed to pause a bit between people but after the first round it wasn't an issue

Party mode was helpful!
other annoying issues: The oven door will not stay on if you drop the device
Overall impression: It's annoying if the mouth piece doesn't pop right up or the temp light is looking you in the face but I have never had the PAX be unable to perform when I needed it. If I lost my PAX tonight I would be ordering one tomorrow morning and would pay for overnight shipping. It is an important part of me saying "fuck you" to combustion and all that means to me.
For you it depends on what your needs and motivations are for buying a vaporizer.
Hope the above helps you in some way.