Alrighty guys and's been a bit now so I thought I'd share my review. Where do I start....The Pax vape has changed the way I thought about vaping. This thing works and works well. Im still perfecting the technique but I think I have it down. At first I was noticing too much heat but I think its all in the way you hit it. When I say too much heat I mean between two people after a hard session. Its becoming less and less though as I'm learning how to hit it. I think for me personally low takes too long to get me where I want. I start on medium then work to high. If I really need to be quick about it I can start on high for some strong hits, however medium will do the same. As far as conserving, I think the ONLY way that is going to happen is if I smoke the ABV. I tried some the other day and to be honest it wasnt bad. It was actually "smoother" than smoking green believe it or not. Taste was obviously not the best but screw it.... I'm figuring if I take advantage of the abv it will stretch me out alot longer. the morning I start out with a bowl of abv to kinda mellow me out. It doesnt get me super high or anything but does the job until I hit lunch later. Ahhh at lunch I sit back with the Pax and go at it on Med with a full oven. Then of course at night I'm at it again. I just want to keep my usage under a G per day and Ill consider this a success. Also at night after vaping Ill hit a bowl of ABV to put me where I want to be. That is the way I believe I will be able to cut spending. Although I appreciate the health benefits of vaping and the high....this was primarily a cost reduction experiment more than for health.
I really havent had issues with my pax, although I'm kinda upset that there are no replacement screens available currently. I rarely get the temp light sticking issue but when I do....I pull out! Thats right gentlemen....don't wiggle....pull out or turn upside down until it heats up enough. Works for me at least

I just got paxxed a bit ago and I'm finding the heat really to be a non issue. Suck slow my friend....suck slow
I'm also finding no issue with missing the "body high" (can I say that?) associated with burnt cannibus. I still get exactly where I want to be....only I'm alot less lazy. lol
I had to come back to this post some hours after I started so it might not flow as well now. All in all, I'm a pax lover! I will however be getting a home unit for true conservation. Can anyone suggest anything? I would love better conservation but if it doesn't produce vapor and give me that "hit" then I don't want it.
Also, I made a really cool/ghetto bong with slit on the side to shove the end of my pax mp in. Works awesome and you get great hits. If I don't talk to everyone for a while have a Happy Holidays! Peace.