Purrito Purrpants
Thank mew! I ordered it from the fine folks at Vape World. It hasn't gotten here yet and I am positively tingling with anticipationgrats! where did you order it?

Thank mew! I ordered it from the fine folks at Vape World. It hasn't gotten here yet and I am positively tingling with anticipationgrats! where did you order it?
Now that I have a well functioning Pax... it is easy to laugh about how it felt when that first one had issues..Vito as usual broke it down perfectly. The pax is a great overall portable vape that requires regular cleaning for peak performance.
I knew you'd come around once you got one that worked correctly![]()
I have a question for all you Pax users (sorry if it's off-topic) - when you take a drag, is it more like taking a drag off of a cigarette and then taking a breath of air when you inhale, or is it more of a slow, steady draw where you inhale air along with the vapor?
if I had your address, your tubing has shipped out. Enjoy!
Now that I have a well functioning Pax... it is easy to laugh about how it felt when that first one had issues..
That being said... I am off to the Post Office, with the Pax as my pocket vape for the day..., see ya soon~
Thanks, I appreciate itwhen using the pax i do a slow steady inhale till my lungs are full then wait a few sec then exhale that dragons breath, hahaha
Thats about right on pointwhen using the pax i do a slow steady inhale till my lungs are full then wait a few sec then exhale that dragons breath, hahaha
Holy crap, all I can say is FUCK COMBUSTION! Yeah!![]()
It was the best way to describe it in the moment
Haha, I'm with ya, on day 2 with this thing, about to pack my 4th bowl. Still pretty clean in there. This is my first vape, and only vaped once before at a party when I was half screwed already. But I'm sold on vaping in general. Taste... I don't nearly trash my lungs... how it doesn't smell up my rented house and how stealth it is in general... how roasted it gets you... I hope this thing lasts the test of time. I am probably going to get a dedicated home unit just from this experience. But for now I am super pleased with PAX.
One thing I notice is that mine takes over a minute to heat up. Is that typical? Low setting or high, it seems to take a lot of time. I've never had it ready in near 30 seconds. But it doesn't really bother me. Could it be possible the battery needs to cycle a few times to perform best?
I'm super happy with the draw. I'm used to smoking joints, it's like a good rolled joint. You don't draw hard, just long instead. I happen to have some really nice nugs right now, so I'm really enjoying the low setting. Grind that stuff up real nice and pack it in there and the taste is fantastic for a long time.
One thing of note is I heard so much about how much more efficient it is to vape than smoke- maybe it's just the PAX, but I find I'm using a lot of bud as opposed to rolling J's. I would guess I'm packing as much in the oven as one of the joints I usually roll, which aren't huge, but would last me two or three good sessions. The PAX I get really blazed with, but I can vape an oven in one sitting easy it seems. I don't know, I may be overmedicating myself with this thing. It's a high like I've never had before. Anyway, props for the PAX and my eyes being opened to vaporizing in general.
I have noticed that it does use a fair amount of herb - however, I think it's an adequate trade-off, what with the quality of the buzz you get from it vs combustion.
Happy vaping!![]()
Hi, I'm fairly new to vaping and just recently recieved my Pax, my previous vaporizers being mflb, iolite, wispr and inh004.
I'm very happy with the pax, it's an awesome device both looks and performance are great.
But after reading alot about it on this forum I must say that my battery isn't performing as it should, compared to others here. When it's charged and I power up and shake it, it's green but after one session (not sure, maybe about 10 minutes) and I power it down, when it's on again it flashes orange and by the time my second session is finished, it sometimes already flashes orange, I can get about two more sessions while in red.
I noticed it charges really quick, sometimes under half an hour and the charging light shines green.
Is there anything I can do? charge it longer, charge and deplete a few times?
And my second question is, when it's on and i put it away, so that it goes into hibernation shining blue, the pax will totally shut off after about a minute and cools down, so now the pax is shut off with the mouth piece still out. (might give me a chance to clean it toroughly without depleting the battery)
when I push the mouthpiece back in and out again, it starts to heat up again and no problem whatsoever untill I put it away again, it shuts off again after a minute.
Is this normal for hibernation mode or does it mean my hybernation mode is broken?
Now, the tricky part of my story is that I'm from Belgium, europe so I have bought my pax online, let them
send it to a friend in the states who mailed it to me (costed me about another 150$ because I wanted it here as fast as possible) So I'm not really planning on sending the item back having to pay another 100 or more dollars, I don't even know if my waranty is voided by having it here in Europe.
The only issue is getting the mouthpiece to stay closed. I have already sent an email in to Ploom about that one, to see what they recommend (new mouth piece etc.). Outside of that issue, everything is green![]()
So i just cleaned my mouthpiece and the whole device with this threads instructions. I popped open the mouthpiece a few times and didnt seem to get the temp light problem. How long should you wait before using the device? I used the 91% ISO in the oven and the oven lid and on the mouthpiece. The bottle says flammable :X