Thanks for the replies. The puff method definitely gets better results... and I'm not sure where I ran across the rolled up screen trick but that has given the best results as well. In fact I haven't had very good results without the screen. It takes an awful lot of material to actually fill the oven and then I don't feel it performs as well as with the screen. Do others experience this? I also find that I have to stir the the material in the oven after a few hits and then again etc to get the most out of the bowl... something I didn't have to do with the Solo. I definitely feel like the Solo is much more efficient with the material. I am at least finally able to coax out some decent hits, so I can use the Pax in those few stealth situations where the Solo isn't as the mean time.... practice makes perfect....
(disclaimer: I know text can often be misleading, but I want to assure all that I'm in NO WAY indicating that anyone's wrong, or has shitty herb, etc. It's just discussion in hopes of maybe helping those who seem to be having some of these similar problems. I'm not that kind of guy, and I only seek to further the discussion and hopefully get to the point where I can maybe help in some way at least to identify the issue so you can enjoy your Pax to it's fullest!
Heya spacelooper,
You're certainly not the first post I've seen in this thread regarding the Pax and:
- Taste, or lack thereof/not good/etc
- Clouds, or lack thereof
I don't doubt at all that some are having trouble, but honestly, I'm surprised and genuinely disappointed for you (not in you, for you!) as I have found the Pax near perfect and would love everyone to be as happy as I am with their Pax.
I am guessing that the lack of success for many with these issues comes down to the herb quality, the grind, and amount put in the oven. I base this statement on my own experiences with the Pax, and I'm extremely critical of my vapes (hell, about everything, just the way I'm wired I guess). If there's an issue, I am the first to say "this sucks!". However, my Pax experience has been so fairy tale amazing and completely 100% satisfying in every way that I'm genuinely surprised when I hear of those issues and feel terrible that some are having it, because in my experience, the Pax is damn near perfect in every way, especially when compared to some other portable vapes I own and/or have tried.
The Pax the first portable vape that has given me such amazing clouds of vapor that I have to be careful not to hit it too hard or too much (and I'm an old guy, been puffin' for over 35 years now!) because the clouds are enormous. I also find that the taste of the clouds are absolutely amazing, clean, and super tasty!
So, then, we have to get to the bottom of why is my experience different from yours or others that are having the troubles you mention!
Assuming a few control variables, there are only a finite number of issues left. Those controls are:
- We are both using a true Pax, and not a knockoff. I purchased mine both from Ploom directly.
- We are both using a clean Pax with no build up or other issues.
Assuming the 2 items above hold true for you, we have temperature left, so let's eliminate the last variable of the Pax itself. I always vape on Medium, no exceptions. If you want to compare notes, try using just Medium setting for the next oven if you're not already. That will eliminate the Pax from the equation aside from a temperature malfunction or variance.
Where I'm going is that the next variables that come into play are significant to define the experience: The herb itself, and how it's ground and packed.
How one hits the device also comes into play, but honestly I was hitting mine last night thinking about this very issue and I don't really do "micro-puffs" as much as I draw a mouthful and then inhale it, like drinking through a straw. I counted 4 of these and I had full lungs.
The taste is absolutely amazing and definitely on par with the Volcano (which I use and have owned since they were introduced). The clouds are almost ridiculously thick, hard to believe it's vapor. But it is, and after 5-6 hits, the oven pack is golden brown and delicious...a nutty, roasted smell in a nice little loaf that comes out, slightly more brown toward the base. No carbon whatsoever though.
I also give it a moment when it reaches temp (goes from purple to green), maybe 15 seconds or so, and when I'm hitting it I make sure it is green as well and hasn't gone into standby (blue).
I have an earlier post in this thread where I go in depth regarding this issue, describing my herb (a constant), what grind I use, how much I use per oven load, and how I pack my loads.
You can find that post earlier in this thread here:
There is a LOT of info in that post,
including pictures, where I share what I do and how I do it, and I'm so beyond satisfied with the Pax I can't imagine life without it.
I hope maybe some of the above info helps out those who aren't fully satisfied with the results of the Pax. I am in no way affiliated with Ploom or Pax, I am just so elated with the Pax and how well it's served me to this point that I hope I can help those who aren't getting that experience to maybe improve it, or at least get to the bottom of why the issues are taking place. For me, the Pax has exceeded every single one of my expectations. I
still look over at my wife and exclaim "Can you believe it's been over 8 months since I combusted??!?", because when I bought this device I had absolutely no intention of stopping combustion, it just happened!!! The satisfaction factor is off the charts for me and I'll never go back. Hopefully those with issues can get to that point enjoying their own Paxs!
Kind vibes to all my brothers and sisters!