Classic Rocker
I know people have mentionted taking their PAX to stadiums, vacations etc. I went to a stadium yesterday initally going to pretend it was an MP3 player with headphones around it and once I saw they were using metal detectors I did not want to risk it going off.
For those that did, did somebody wave a metal detector around you/ did you walk through one? Was it a important high security stadium Im scared for it to go off.
Don't worry about it, I've taken my packed to the brim pax in my pocket through Denver's very extensive airport security (that is, through the xray.) without the headphones, and made it through twice. Security isn't that big of a deal thankfully.
I know xrays and metal detectors are not the same thing, my point is even they couldn't tell the difference between it and any consumer electronics

An unrelated note, I also had two ounces of herb on me at the time two, just not on my person. In my luggage, in my pants were two ozs in ziplock, under all my other clothes, between a cookie sheet, and all the power tools I could manage to stuff. When xraying I noticed the baggage dude opted to search my sister's bag rather than mine. I imagine because it was less work...