So from what I see most people are buying the Pax from VapeWorld rather than Ploom is there a reason for that?
I usually pack a pretty full bowl... with a pretty corse grind just about all the way to the top.
The key with the Pax is getting the bowl really compressed/packed in there, not just full with volume.
I think you'll find that find ground bud packed halfway (but press it tight down) will perform similarly to your full-to-the-brim bowls
Honestly Joe, I wouldn't doubt that but the stuff I have been able to get recently just does not pack down into half bowls. It is always a little bit loose and ends up not staying a block for long. I look forward to getting some better bud to see if that does the trick though!![]()
So from what I see most people are buying the Pax from VapeWorld rather than Ploom is there a reason for that?
I can barely tell I filed mine and it's been 100% reliable, but I would imagine the more you file the dirtier you can let it get...
also only last night i have noticed that now the unit thinks its not getting to temp....ever.....its stuck in a heating cycle, light never goes green, and it gets hot as shit.
My replacement pax works perfectly, but no more iso, just cleaning when it's warm.
I let someone try it today and he was pulling like he was trying to rip a bong hit.
So just a touch did the trick. I'm thinking that the more metal that is left, the better the mechanical action. So I'll just slightly remove some stock. Did you try and cut more of a sharp edge or rounded edge?
Sure appreciate the insight. I'll probably head to hardware store for the file today
Now, I think I might have an interesting project/experiment for the mechanically inclined. Since I did my post on how the mouthpiece catch worked, I've been thinking about how to improve it to avoid sticking, and today I did my first try:
Can't see it?
Well, I realized we might not be able to do anything about the ring getting rough or sticky, but we cando something about increasing the grab on the catch that pulls the ring down. So I used a needle file: Files&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS492US492&sugexp=chrome,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
The half-round one specifically, and I filed the notch to look more like the casing on a bullet. The flat side of the file is smooth so keep it at a / kind of angle and use the edge of the file to grind the left ridge only!
This way the little metal hook inside the body has more of an edge to catch onto and can pull down with more force on the little ring which should reduce sticking and give you a better chance if it does get stuck. I cleaned my mouthpiece right after I did this so it will be a while before I can say for sure, but it does feel and sound like a more solid mechanism though. I do have one of the original serial number mouthpieces and it has got sticky in the past so it should be a good test.
I can't even edit a post from yesterday!? Now I shall forever be know as "bowling out your cheeks guy"You'd have to blow out the metal screen first (impossible without bowling out your cheeks) but if you really wanted to I think you could do it if you took out the screen...
I'll round it over smooth.
Yep. I never received the "tracking email", but they sent me the USPS tracking link via their support chat.shrimp...did you order from Ploom?
Are you filing that left edge (bullet bevel) as well as deepening that groove?
Thank you and sorry if I'm testing your patience.
Small and cute, just like my bonsai!
CuteI love my Pax too! So far I find it to be the most attractive portable vape on the market.
Yes that's right, originally I was worried about making it too deep but we can see Ploom made their version 2 deeper than I would ever want to take the time to file. And not at all! I'm more curious about why you don't like the feeling of the new mouthpiece so much...