I'll be the one to say it- canoe/kayak trip, you gotta do
As much as I love vaping you are putting your vape at risk (even in waterproof bag to an extent), and how are you going to vape and paddle at the same time? It's relaxing not to have to worry about anything and just paddle away while passing around carefree. Kayaks/canoes are also pretty wet overall from waves and such, and electronics and water don't seem to get along too well.
If you do have an oil pen that would be the only thing I would probably bring (not if you care a lot about it though), as
@weedemon said.
This all coming from someone who strongly advocates vaping over smoking for health reasons, but being it a short trip (unlikely to reboot your habit), you may also get a different high from the CBDs burning (body relaxation) that you aren't used to from your vaping tolerance.
And also since nobody has said it, congrats on quitting cigs! Believe you have the willpower to only smoke a couple joints with your friends on one occasion and I'm sure it won't be nearly as difficult as what you have overcome (DONT ROLL WITH BATCH/TOBACCO).
Just my

, have fun and keep a map~
Edit: if you really decide on not smoking grab one of those like 5-10$ no nicotine flavored vapes and have a t break.