well a few years ago I was into keeping poison dart frogs, and was on some forums for that too. usually they are given vitaminepowder(fruitflies are dusted with it, they only eat live food). one of the most important vitamins in these powders is D3. but some people prefer to suplement with UV-lighting, wich has some problems like short lifespan of the bulbs. another thing that was always said when using UV-lights is to not hang them above the glass of the terrarium like you do with the other lights(fluorescent usually), they are never hung inside the terrarium like with snakes/lizards since the humidity is high.
but instead it's adviced to hang UV-lights above the ventilation strip. this because regular glass will block UV. some terrariums are made with special glass/plastic on top that doesn't block UV-light, but any regular glass does.
it could be tough that most is blocked but not all, but to me it seems more logical that all visible light also affects the cannabinoids instead of just light in the UV-spectrum, since if it's in a room it first passes trough the window, then the jar so even if it doesn't block all UV the amount should be significantly reduced
it could be UV has a greater effect since it's wavelength is shorter, but it seems logical to me that if UV affects it, other light also does, to some degree.
and dark jars block a part of all light, not just UV. if beer is also affected by regular light that would explain it, don't remember ever having any beer in a clear bottle tough. pretty much all beer here has a brown bottle, or in a can, only heineken and grolsch have green glass, and I'm not a fan of heineken. grolsch is good, but never noticed anything that could be ascribed to the type of glass. I think I once saw something on tv or read something tough that a lot of european beer in america has a cardboard-like taste due to the transport, I think that was caused by light coming trough the green glass, don't remember the details.
altough I think I once had some weird mexican beer wich was in a clear bottle, nobody really liked it but that was just because bit was weird beer, and was meant to be drank with a slice of lemon(wich we had, but only made it weirder)