In my video? The amount inside the slick ball container is ~ 1g before I took out what I did. In fact I took out too much and you can see I broke off some and put it back before loading. It SO stable I had a gard time getting it to stick to the coil. Id just fall off like a rock. Heh.
Do you ever clean your KISS cart? How much d0 you load at once?
I took on the undertaking of cleaning the K.I.S.S. cart yesterday. After running 4 grams of mixed concentrates through the beast I started to notice a little resistance in airflow. I hoped on FC so see if there were any suggestions for cleaning. There are a few photos of the K.I.S.S. being dismantled into three distinct pieces (the base only, not the mouth tip/barrel). There is the rod with the wire wrapped around it, there is the white ceramic piece that is actually removable to reveal the third piece, essentially the casing for the ceramic and the connection for the wiring.
I made the mistake of trying to pull out the rod and wiring first (i would recommend non-metallic pliers, I actually used chopsticks) After pulling out about a half inch i began to feel resistance in one of the wires while the other was free to slide out. I gave a (what I believe to be slight) pull on the wire and it was able to disconnect from the base. After removing the white ceramic bowl I realized that I had snapped the wire that was attached to the baseplate and as a result I would no longer have a connection and the cart would be ruined!!!!

I can't say for certain as I have not tried it with K.I.S.S. cart straight from he factory, But if you ever need to clean the entirety of the cart then I would strongly suggest that you take the white ceramic bowl out WITH the rod still attached. At least this way your wiring wont get caught and you minimize the risk of cutting your wire.
I gave all the pieces an ISO bath after dismantling the cart. Looked as good as new five minutes later, except for the shortened wire on the coil. I took the rod and decided to unwrap one of the coils to replace the section I had broke. Fortunately there is enough wire exposed now that I can make the connection at the bottom and the cart still work. BTW, any chance you sell the rod/wire separately? Thinking about it, at $20 it might be more sensible to just buy a new one. Also, what's production and distribution of the Ti wire/rod combo? I'm really looking forward to that one.
First time loading my kiss cart..overdid it! But still ripped 2 dank hits before most melted downward, so literally, load as u go. One lil speck of crumble right on top of the coil and 2 dank rips again, this time no melted puddle underneath! So i'll revise my previous rating of a 3 to 4.5 out of 5. Now im wondering why not lower the coils to be more flush with the concentrate and also angle the sides inward towards the coil? Somewhat like a gutter..make any sense?
Also would u say the reg omi carts function best with runnier co2 oils as opposed to wax, shatter? Is leakage an issue at all with oils specifically on the battery? And apptoximately how many refills per 2.4 cart using only clean amber oil?
I've been wondering the same thing as far as placement of the heating element relative to the collection of oils. A guttered design does seem logical if you can relocate the air intake and the ports for the wiring to connect to the base.
I have used numerous consistencies of BHO wax through the carts, but I have to say for both convenience and cloud production the CO2 oils are the way to go. Just be careful not to hit it in to rapid succession or the oils will start to run on you, though in my experience it's never been severe or noticeable until after I remove the cartridge. It always seems to collect at the base of the cartridge, I believe a design feature, and I have yet to see any oil hit the battery, though I have heard of this occurring in the past to others.
The refilling thing is based on a couple of factors. The more you add to a cart, the greater the risk of having it burn out simply from usage. I believe their advertise 400+ hits per cartridge. If you find that you take 200 puffs per gram then the cart SHOULD be guaranteed to work for at least 2 grams. With that said, there is the distinct possibility that the cart could go for 1000 hits, in which case you could run 5 g. through it.
I'm not advocating refilling more then twice. I find after the third gram is when I run into the most issues with vapor production and reliability. Also, oils have a tendency to restrict the airway, making it difficult to draw on. After running a couple of grams there is enough residual buildup, no matter how refined your product is, to justify using a new cartridge. I'm sort of a flavor snob as well. I have a tendency to purchase two or three grams of a particular oil and dedicate that cartridge to it. Though I've also had amazing flavor combinations when mixing waxes so don't be afraid to mix and match either.