So after the last few days of reading up and talking to a few people on FC, I decided to go with the O-Phos + KISS cart add on for a few reasons...
I liked that it is versatile in terms of carts, I like that it looks like an e-pen, I like that the components that are heating up are not plastic/shady parts, and I like that it's freaken $50.. after getting all excited about my two other 'portable' vapes, and spending closer to $150/200 on them and then having them mostly collect dust, I just didn't want to shell out a bunch of $ for another thing like that that I wasn't sure of..
This e-pen vape thing is very new to me.. I've been interested in them the last few years after seeing them here and there, but they always looked so cheap and shady that I never got one.. But last week I was at a new dispensary and they had a cheap looking e-pen called 'Dragon' (or dragon something or other) with prefilled plastic carts.. and I realized the last time I looked at vape things was a couple years ago when I bought my Thermovape Evolution (which I never use btw bc the battery draw makes it basically not portable).. I decided to check oil/wax pens out and came across that high times "review" that says Atmos Raw was the way to go.. decided to dig a bit deeper (since it seemed improbable that one tiny unit could vape flowers + oils) and came across this site again.. boy am I glad I did some more research and found you guys!!! I realized quickly I definitely didn't want the Atmos and started checking out the Dabbler, which lead me to the KISS cart, which lead me here..
Anyway - I picked my new piece up at the W9 Tech warehouse in Van Nuys this afternoon and couldn't be happier with my experience all around!
The warehouse is definitely not a store front/head shop type place, but they still took the time to fully explain the differences btwn all the different options, and did not try and up-sell me at all - something that made me very happy. They tested the parts and explained how to load and operate the unit, encouraged me to not use anything too runny.. They even gave me a 10% discount, which I thought was very nice, and generous!
From there I went to a dispensary I like for concentrates, and picked up some Lavender wax and Vanilla shatter (times like these when I just feel so so grateful to live in Los Angeles where there are so many options). I went through 3 cheap plastic lighters (I didn't have a torch) filling the cart and made a bit of a mess, I think from not pushing the filling tool far enough into the cart (I was worried about breaking it). Still after priming it, it hits like a dream, and is by far the cleanest I've ever tasted concentrates (since up until now I've only combusted concentrates - don't judge me ;-)
After that I loaded the KISS cart with some shatter. It hits like a dream too, and again - so fresh and so clean, clean!! Literally have never tasted these notes before.. I cannot believe what I've been missing!! And I'm so glad I'm not missing it anymore!
When I outgrow the O-Phos I know I will have no issue coming back to W9Tech for whatever my next step will be. So thank you @
THC SCIENTIFIC and Naomi, for creating great products, answering my questions, and all that jazz

(btw @
THC SCIENTIFIC was that you that I met at the warehouse today? I didn't think to ask)
My only partial regret (and it's not even a regret, it's more just that I wish he could have directly benefited from my purcha$e) is that I didn't buy the unit from @
VaporWarehouse - He was so lovely in explaining all the differences btwn the different w9tech units and the dabbler. He did not for a second try to sell me on any one unit over another, regardless of price difference.
The only reason I went directly to the w9tech warehouse over him, was bc they are locally located and I wanted to see the units in person before making my final decision.
VaporWarehouse - with what I've seen people on here say about you and my personal experience with you answering a barrage of noob questions from me with sincerity, honesty, and not making me feel like a total idiot - You've got a customer in me for life, and my recommendation of you, for anyone ever needing anything you sell. I'm not sure how much that will be, but I'm sure it will be a lot more than zero

To wrap it up - Thank you all for helping to make me a very, very happy woman today!