So, out of curiousity, how long has everyones orders from Planetvape taken to arrive? Personal experiences, please. Thanks.
3 to 5 days
So, out of curiousity, how long has everyones orders from Planetvape taken to arrive? Personal experiences, please. Thanks.
Yea sorry about the spelling problems.
If people are wanting to use ohms law to figure out what watts there using they will have to do the math like a dual coil.
I have some gripes with the design of these cartridges.
The second coil that goes around the ceramic cup heats the oil so much it looses its flavor after a few hit and is like smoking reclaim. After using a different cartridge I see that coil isnt really necessary if the design is changed up.
Being made along the design of these
Im just posting this here cause I wish thcscientific would make cartridges like these so I dont have to use those that may have plastic in them.
, I'm still happy with D9 and when the fuck are the new carts comin!!![]()
I know where my balls are!
From what I can tell G must have been a clown in a past life because he sure can juggle projects. I don't think they drop, they just stay floating in the air a bit longer.
If you can see the glow, the cart is empty, or close to it.I saw that the HVD upgrade for the Omicron Matte Black is back so I'm just making sure, is the Hercules for the 7.4 going to work with both herbs and oils? I know you guys have the 3.7 Hercules for just herb but I'd prefer to have both haha. I read back a couple pages and saw some stuff about Persei but nothing too definitive..could be just me being baked and overlooking some things
Oh, btw, I've tried to melt down the Amber Glass I was talking about on my oven for ~25 minutes at 150 degrees as well as a hair drier on low setting for at least 10 minutes then proceeded to use my lighter to attempt to melt it down more. I stopped to check the heating element between all three things and it is still glowing and getting hot when I press the button. I've attempted to inhale each time but there is still no vapor at all so I'm pretty convinced that the Amber Glass does not work with Omicron 3.7. Time to move back to the trusty waxes and oils, thanks for the efforts to help!
I saw that the HVD upgrade for the Omicron Matte Black is back so I'm just making sure, is the Hercules for the 7.4 going to work with both herbs and oils?
If you can see the glow, the cart is empty, or close to it.
Just snagged my roommates tenergy batts and am running my 2.4 carts on 6v via my thermovape. Getting really good results! : D gotta buy my own now! This is my new set up for sure hahaha
Ya I never go past .2 so I figure I'm ok
Oops! I don't look for the glow at all per OF's guidance, I wasn't thinking about it not being primed, I had assumed (and we all know what that does! ) that the cart was producing vapor at some point. Sorry for the misdirection.... the shatter should work, if loaded properly and you're patient.Yes the Hercules 7.4 is supposed to do both, however, and this is a big however, last I heard the Omicron platform doesn't have enough power for the job. You need Persei. Best check that part carefully before ordering a Omicron HVD expecting that.....
Good luck.
I don't think this is an accurate statement at a couple of levels. First off, you can be full but poorly primed. And most concentrates very quickly cover it up with deposits, I don't recall guys reporting ever seeing it later on. For sure similar situations, like the floor of Revolution/DART do this. A fraction of a gram of use and it's basically opaque.
I'd never make the logical rework of the statement to 'if you can't see the glow the cart's not empty'. That is using the glow like the 'gas running low' light on your car won't work.
One thing sure, looking at it run (if you can see it) isn't doing it any good and is to be avoided.
I saw that the HVD upgrade for the Omicron Matte Black is back so I'm just making sure, is the Hercules for the 7.4 going to work with both herbs and oils? I know you guys have the 3.7 Hercules for just herb but I'd prefer to have both haha. I read back a couple pages and saw some stuff about Persei but nothing too definitive..could be just me being baked and overlooking some things![]()
2nd cart isn't vaping properly, even on 3.7, I tried to get out air bubbles and such but it is still vaping weak. Maybe only one heater is firing? the cart is getting hot no doubt. just almost zero vapor under 3.7 and wispy on 6v. i dont think using it under 6v made it fail becuase it didnt want to work in the first place. Im thinkin about isoing and reclaiming what i can.
they make lanyards that are a little loose on the eGo batts that work perfect for a little extra warmth.I just want to throw an idea out, here.
I have been out on the east coast with my Omicron V2, and it is way cold here. It seems the cold makes it not only harder to prime, but also drain batteries extra. Would some kind of sleeve around the omicron body and cart insulate it and remedy some of these problems? Like a neoprene beer coozie for my omi...
Also, some kind of closed silicone cap to cover the mouthpiece when I throw it in my pocket... like the silicone mouthpiece, but with shorter with no hole. I hate picking lint out of the mouthpiece.
. Would some kind of sleeve around the omicron body and cart insulate it and remedy some of these problems? Like a neoprene beer coozie for my omi...
Also, some kind of closed silicone cap to cover the mouthpiece when I throw it in my pocket... like the silicone mouthpiece, but with shorter with no hole. I hate picking lint out of the mouthpiece.