I agree with your view on multi purpose vaporizers (or most multi purpose products really), although I'm mainly comparing oil/wax vapes.
Just a personal observation/ conclusion ; after several expired carts ,hav determined that the most
significant reason for cart expiration is due to '"wick-caked"' syndrome ,as opposed to heater (s)
failure ,clogging ,or leaking ~ soo ,it seems that improvements in wick-related area is mandatory ~
no! He means a fix for the normal carts i have the same caked wick issue but i do not want a layg cart as i want my omicron for portabilityIts been done. Look at their new LAYG cart. Ceramic wick.
Best way to avoid that is to use purer concentrates and to change your cart frequently. I usually don't refill mine more than twice even if its still working.
Remember UP Tech tells you these should only be filled once. Anything more than that is risk taking on your own part.
At 10$ a cart..thats not very cost effective to only fill once! What will be the layg longevity of use? Better off buying the eureka prefilled carts and now offer refill syringes! Or buy uptech carts for a single use?? Im eager to try the layg, but at the same time, i like the fact of filling my cart without doing so again too frequently!
Have you thought about ceramic wicks in the original cartridge?Some have iso washed their carts, it has helped with taste some what but usually people use no more then 2-3 refills on the carts. The cleaner the oil the better.
The LAyG carts are the same thing, but you can iso clean them better and the ceramic wick replaces the silica wick.
Have you thought about ceramic wicks in the original cartridge?
That's what the 1701 is and a new structure but it just leaks.
Well it sure can leak....but the Beta unit I'm still using hasn't leaked in a LONG time. Or got itself plugged. At least with the CO2 oils I've been feeding it lately....after I dumped the MP it came with.
When it dies (as I'm sure it eventually will), I'm going to sorely miss it. Given anything like a reasonable price I'd buy more of them to cover as much of my needs as I could with. Not useful in all cases, but where it is it's superior IMO. The lack of the reservoir heater is a big plus in taste IMO.
As always, thanks for your help, OF!!As long as they pass the foil test you should be fine. Harder waxes are harder to load sometimes (pay careful attention to preheating the center of the cart) but as long as they melt and flow well they'll do fine.
It can call for more care in warming up the cart at the start of a session. Easy to goof up with higher power carts if you're not on top of it.
@mollee and there you go. That should let you sample any of those concentrates without Worry! You'll just need to reload between sessions.Get your LAyG on. This is the complete Chrome Kit. Remember We dont piece them out so they wont end up costing $30-$45
The Full complete Kit costs $19.99.
It uses a ceramic wick to help with taste, No Solder means a clean air path, all colors except chrome use anodizing process that help with color not fading after you iso wash it.
At 10$ a cart..thats not very cost effective to only fill once! What will be the layg longevity of use? Better off buying the eureka prefilled carts and now offer refill syringes! Or buy uptech carts for a single use?? Im eager to try the layg, but at the same time, i like the fact of filling my cart without doing so again too frequently!
Hmmm want has for hercules