Okay why shouldn't I be pre-oxidizing?? Everything I have read including info from D9 says to always pre oxidize, so is this all wrong? Also I have had this same chemical taste problem on the 2.4 carts, so i dont think i am melting the seals, as i am very careful how hot i let the carts get.
AND WHY SHOULD I EVEN HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MELTING SEALS IN THE FIRST PLACE?? that sounds pretty sketchy that can even happen, I mean considering the fact this is a vaporizer and vaporizers get HOT, they should be designed with parts that don't MELT when you use it. So why is there parts that can melt in it?? Am I crazy for asking this? because no one else seems very concerned.. sounds like a cancer lawsuit waiting to happen.
Honestly I am starting to have second thoughts on D9 after I saw FIBERGLASS come out of their cartridge.. Does that worry anyone else?
Also is it just me or do the carts have a chemical taste when first filled (even after pre-oxidizing). I mean if I can taste it, it is definitely getting into my lungs.
I'm really considering getting rid of my o-phos and buying a thermovape because of these reasons, so if anyone can actually give me some educated information on this subject I would greatly appreciate it.. I'm not trying to get cancer from my o-phos...
You shouldn't be pre-oxidizing for the reasons I already stated. The leads from the heater wire go through the bottom seal to the connector on the bottom of the cart. Running the cart when there isn't any oil in there will cause these wires to run hotter than they are supposed to with oil in it, which leads to melting the bottom seal and causing more leaking. You can also cause the wick to get burnt a little leading to the cart having a burnt taste for the life of the cart. You could also completely burn the cart out!
The D9 site, and the instructions that came with it haven't said to pre-oxidize for quite a while now because of this issue that people were finding.
On the cartridges page on D9 it does still say at the top in red lettering "Must be oxidized prior to use(see instructions tab), however when you click on the instructions tab there are no longer any instructions for this.
Also if you read through this thread and the persei thread there was a pretty heavy discussion a while back on why we shouldn't pre-oxidize anymore. The only place that still suggests it is the vaporpedia page, which D9 has nothing to do with so they can't change it. Use the search function on this thread and the persei thread and you will see many people saying not to do this anymore, and at multiple times.
Sorry you didn't know, but now you do.
Edit: Yes the carts do contain a silica wick (also known as fiberglass). G has been working on the updated version for some time now that won't contain a wick at all. Many people, myself included, have been waiting for this new version for quite some time now. It will come eventually.