Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils


Well-Known Member
The V2.5 heads are not HVD tops. They are made to be used with a single 3.7v battery.

The HVD replacement batteries are 14250 they are on the site.

So it Will work on the mini configuration as well as the original set up? Also will it perform better then the hvd top on a single 3.7 battery. I noticed a much better performance overall when using the hvd top vs the old top and only 1 battery.


Well-Known Member
Also will it perform better then the hvd top on a single 3.7 battery. I noticed a much better performance overall when using the hvd top vs the old top and only 1 battery.

No, in my measurements it has bigger losses than the HVD head to head (so to speak....). A bit better than the original perhaps, but it's about .3 Volts behind the HVD.

However, you can gain that .3 Volts back (and a bit more) if you drop the IMR 14650 used with V2 and instead use these guys with the long cap (or a 15mm spacer) from the HVD kit:

Using that (exact) battery the V2.5 will very slightly outperform HVD with the original battery with 1.5 Ohm loads, 2.4 is a push as well. If you like HVD with the 14650, you'll like V2.5 with that battery. Both are a big improvement over V2 with the supplied battery.



Well-Known Member
Will the new HVD tops line up with the logo?

I don't know how they can be expected to match the tube you have at your house......

Only way I know to make things index right is to make them all identical or in sets. OTOH, I bought two V2.5 heads, one of which comes within maybe ten degrees (goes a bit past) by random chance.

My replacement Persei head (first one failed, always on) doesn't line up either.



I don't know how they can be expected to match the tube you have at your house......

Only way I know to make things index right is to make them all identical or in sets. OTOH, I bought two V2.5 heads, one of which comes within maybe ten degrees (goes a bit past) by random chance.

My replacement Persei head (first one failed, always on) doesn't line up either.

Or maybe the body tube can be made without a logo?...that way the problem of logos not lining up is eliminated
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Well-Known Member
Or maybe the body tube can be made without a logo?...that way the problem of logos not lining up is eliminated

The serial number is on the back side....or make that other side? But yes, if you can live without serial numbers (too) that's a solution. As would putting the logo on the top be?

Personally I'm solving the problem by not looking at it. It's a tool first to me. But I too noticed it right off with the Persei replacement so expected it with the HVD upgrade. FWIW the logo on my Walnut PD drove me nuts, a tiny bit off center WRT the grain. Kind of like a crooked picture you aren't allowed to straighten, Tom and Pammy should have put it on the back..... I finally got a nice fancy Maple one instead (no logo by then) and passed the Walnut one on to a friend who doesn't mind a bit. Made a great retirement present.



The serial number is on the back side....or make that other side? But yes, if you can live without serial numbers (too) that's a solution. As would putting the logo on the top be?

Personally I'm solving the problem by not looking at it. It's a tool first to me. But I too noticed it right off with the Persei replacement so expected it with the HVD upgrade. FWIW the logo on my Walnut PD drove me nuts, a tiny bit off center WRT the grain. Kind of like a crooked picture you aren't allowed to straighten, Tom and Pammy should have put it on the back..... I finally got a nice fancy Maple one instead (no logo by then) and passed the Walnut one on to a friend who doesn't mind a bit. Made a great retirement present.


Logo on the top sounds like a good idea
The serial number is on the back side....or make that other side? But yes, if you can live without serial numbers (too) that's a solution. As would putting the logo on the top be?

Personally I'm solving the problem by not looking at it. It's a tool first to me. But I too noticed it right off with the Persei replacement so expected it with the HVD upgrade. FWIW the logo on my Walnut PD drove me nuts, a tiny bit off center WRT the grain. Kind of like a crooked picture you aren't allowed to straighten, Tom and Pammy should have put it on the back..... I finally got a nice fancy Maple one instead (no logo by then) and passed the Walnut one on to a friend who doesn't mind a bit. Made a great retirement present.

Well, my PD logo is not quite right also, though I just don't look at it much - It JUST WORKS :)
My Persei logo never lined up with the buttons on the tops - I didn't know that they should.
But for the Omi V2.x with HVD, G promised us "early adopters" a new matching tube with our fixed HVD tops, whenever they are ready.



The Professor
if you drop the IMR 14650 used with V2 and instead use these guys with the long cap (or a 15mm spacer) from the HVD kit:

Hi OF, since you seem to be one of the battery gurus here I have a question for you. I am planning on picking up a couple of those 14500's you recommend, and I also want to pickup a battery tester as well. Would this tester be the correct one to purchase (or do you recommend something different (cheaper)).



Well-Known Member
I am planning on picking up a couple of those 14500's you recommend, and I also want to pickup a battery tester as well. Would this tester be the correct one to purchase (or do you recommend something different (cheaper)).


Yeah, I'm all about cheaper. I used to have a similar model, without some of the functions for the more obscure battery types, it's about half that price and still tests the stuff we need. Mini MBT, I gave it to a workmate years ago. My usual meter and a few loads told me more useful information, it's much better at go/no go testing that analyzing what's going on. And of course all it does is test batteries.

However, IMO that's still too much to pay for the function. I usually use a cheap digital meter that has this function. It's a five dollar DMM, but a style not easy to find (the battery function goes in the rotary switch position off normally uses in these cheap guys and a power slide switch is added so you can leave it set up, very handy). Wish I had more than the on or knew where to get more.

A while back I noticed this guy:

Which looks like a much better tester (giving us honest to God numbers under load rather than a few LEDs), the question is how good is it? Only one way to find out, I just ordered one. I'll have it by the weekend, PM me if I don't get back on this thread and remind me?

If it turns out as I hope it will, it should serve any of us well and the price is, IMO, right. If guys are interested I'll post some basic instructions for using it for cart measurements, battery checks, charger tests and so on? That only really works if everyone has the same unit, but I think under $20 is something many guys will go for if they can use it?



Terps Up, Temps Down
Took advantage of the 7/10 special at Delta9Vapes and finally ordered myself some 5ohm carts. Looking forward to their arrival so I can see what my HVD can really do. So far, I've only had low ohm carts so I've been using 3.7v. Stoked to see what 7.4v delivers!


Well-Known Member
Or for $2 more you could get this:

The one I have, it's auto-ranging so you don't need to worry about the right range setting, nothing but praise for $20

Yup, you could spend a bit more. However, IMO, auto ranging is not a plus for newbies. "you don't need to worry about the right range setting" is not conducive to learning what you're doing. I watched students 'fishing' for readings too much to think otherwise I guess? IMO a guy should have an excellent idea of what reading he might get and why (what it will mean) before he does it. Otherwise, he's not really troubleshooting logically but rather practicing what I used to call, "The Columbus Method". You know, "stumble on it and claim you got there on purpose"?

Not an attack on that meter......just my personal opinion.....

Either will work, I just see positive reasons not to go that way, aside from the 15% savings.



Well-Known Member
...However, IMO, auto ranging is not a plus for newbies... Not an attack on that meter......just my personal opinion.....
A very good point! That little (or big) "m" in the corner makes a big difference and is easy to miss if you don't know what it means!


Well-Known Member
A very good point! That little (or big) "m" in the corner makes a big difference and is easy to miss if you don't know what it means!

Yep, then there's the whole shifting dot thing, can really confuse a guy when lots else is going on.

Generally speaking I'm happy when a newbie can put a probe in each hand after setting up for his reading, get each tip in the right place with no sparks, and glance over quickly to get his numbers. Focus really has to stay on the contacts. After a while it becomes automatic, of course, or at least more so.

Adults learn new complex skill sets one small step at at time. Building on what they know. They have to understand or they really can't move on. Kids learn by rote. Big difference. You memorized addition tables, but need to understand algebra. Like learning to drive. Or date women.



To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Yep, then there's the whole shifting dot thing, can really confuse a guy when lots else is going on.

Generally speaking I'm happy when a newbie can put a probe in each hand after setting up for his reading, get each tip in the right place with no sparks, and glance over quickly to get his numbers. Focus really has to stay on the contacts. After a while it becomes automatic, of course, or at least more so.

Adults learn new complex skill sets one small step at at time. Building on what they know. They have to understand or they really can't move on. Kids learn by rote. Big difference. You memorized addition tables, but need to understand algebra. Like learning to drive. Or date women.


Its nice to know that we make vaporizers that help people, and also our units indirectly help teach people.

Chalk one up for Omicron?


Well-Known Member
He said there is an upgraded head coming out (that can take a bullet?) so does that mean he had the regular v2 head not the beefed up one?
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