Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils


Well-Known Member
In my opinion the customer must be clearly informed about the risks.

When you buy a car you have to know the risks, but when you buy a medical device that is supposed to be healthy, you have to be informed about ALL the potential risks

Thanks, I got your opinion. I just don't agree with it. Nor does the law, actually. That's why you get all that tripe with a bottle of aspirin these days. And why you don't get it with the a box of band aids. Or Hydrogen Peroxide. Regulations put the warnings on cigarettes for heaven's sake.

Anyway, bottom line is while it would be nice to have all sorts of warnings and advice published many won't take advantage of it, what they said is true and I think passes legal muster. I'm glad you now understand you must use this product correctly to get correct results and trust that will lead to success.

Good luck, IMO it's worth your effort.


Bob Loblaw

no wasn't really familiar with vaping oils. Just with smoking. I just vaped oils mixed with hash or weed.
and sorry, no that's not an overstatement.
The oils smell to bad to be recovered and re-used.
And when in the morning your throat is so irritated that you feel sick, so sick that you cannot go work = it's a loss of health. The first days I thought I was really sick, but no, my throat was just irritated from to much vaping.

so you aren't used to the medium, but are sure you can't reclaim it. that sounds pretty arrogant. i am used to the medium and am sure you can. you may not want to smoke it, but coconut oil and a batch your favorite baked goods means all is not lost. you say you were just familiar w/ smoking herb, do you remember your first toke of weed? do remember how fuckin harsh that was? if you smoked all day ignoring that and had a sore throat the next day you didn't quit or you wouldn't be here.
we get that you had problems with getting it to hot, also that you have hyper-sensitivity to the point that a sore throat means you can't work (or you talk all day for a living). either/or isn't that once again a learning curve that would've happened anyway if you tried any other method?

In my opinion the customer must be clearly informed about the risks.

When you buy a car you have to know the risks, but when you buy a medical device that is supposed to be healthy, you have to be informed about ALL the potential risks
as both of these points have been addressed AGAIN w/out rebuttal i feel we are going around in circles here. however, i'd like to add that bongs were originally sold as a healthier and more medical alternative, but they didn't have instructions and if you hit it wrong, would massively fuck your throat up. on top of that water filters out more thc than tar so it actually does little from a "health" aspect than cool your throat. also you can water filter (i know, obvious) your vapor to keep a cooler throat.
one thing about oil and thc in general, it's acrid. everytime a friend takes a big oil hit and starts coughing i tell them to ignore their throat and realize their lungs are fine, just breathe, oh and here is some throat spray. once they do, they stop coughing. so how much of this is the cart and how much of this is you ignoring/misinterpreting directions (for the experienced user), as well as a host of other factors that don't seem to fit into your world view. if you ignored/misinterpreted the first line of the cart, it stands to reason that you must also take a much larger share of the blame for its misuse. there's half a dollar for ya
Bob Loblaw,


Well-Known Member
My popcorn intake has gone up drastically in the past few days.

If you don't like it, sell it and drop it. Trying to tell your dad he's an idiot never works out well. You are both new users, give it some time. 3g's and some carts is nothing, some people took 3 times that to get the hang and still love it.

Rusty-ditch the ISO/RSO, that shit will kill you, pure crap.

Jhonny- have you seen how the vapor comes out of the mouthpiece? It's a very thin stream of thick vapor. Your throat is irritated because you are delivering a stream of vapor on to a tiny part of your throat. This can be solved using different hitting techniques.

Don't cry because, "it doesn't work", because we all know it does and that's why we come here to talk about it.

Quit bitching and move on or listen to what's being said with open ears, not closed minds.


Well-Known Member
dubCRider noticed your from sf and was wondering which dispensaries you recommend for oil? i was just in sf actually this past weekend and got some co2 northern & headband from SPARC and some oil from green door.


Well-Known Member
what I say may sound arrogant, but it's what I really feel and think.
What you both say is simply fanboy-like.

2 days ago you said that 1.5 ohms tend to overheat and cause bad taste to the oils and today you affirm thats it's only my mistake and that we customer, or patients, must be beta-tester??

You have a selective memory...


Well-Known Member
no wasn't really familiar with vaping oils. Just with smoking. I just vaped oils mixed with hash or weed.

and sorry, no that's not an overstatement.
The oils smell to bad to be recovered and re-used.
And when in the morning your throat is so irritated that you feel sick, so sick that you cannot go work = it's a loss of health. The first days I thought I was really sick, but no, my throat was just irritated from to much vaping.

In my opinion the customer must be clearly informed about the risks.

When you buy a car you have to know the risks, but when you buy a medical device that is supposed to be healthy, you have to be informed about ALL the potential risks

When I first started vaping flower a few years back it took some getting used to. My throat got very irritated from over excited use and I was not sure I would continue vaping. Once I healed and took slower longer (cooler hits) I no longer got the irritation and really began to enjoy it more then combusting. Some people run vape through a water pipe to cool it and add some moisture back to the dry heat.

Sorry your oil got nasty, never seemed to overheat a 1.5 cart so much that it ruined the oil. It may still be worth a reclaim with gentle heat and patients just to see. On some older carts in the reclaim pile I really overheated the oil to get it all out, completely trashed the carts, the oil is still very tasty and worth using for mindless vaping.

Well you folks with Medical Marijuana can call this stuff medical devices and medicin but for the rest of us living where it is still a schedule 1 Drug I call it my high and my paraphernalia. I never got any advice, health concern or guidance when buying a bong, pipe, or papers. If you are going to invest a drug I suggest finding out all the facts and what risks are associated with it with real research and not take somebody else's advice. The world I live in the majority of people are full of BS or just wrong because of misinformation they regurgitate.


Well-Known Member
Jhonny- have you seen how the vapor comes out of the mouthpiece? It's a very thin stream of thick vapor. Your throat is irritated because you are delivering a stream of vapor on to a tiny part of your throat. This can be solved using different hitting techniques.

Don't cry because, "it doesn't work", because we all know it does and that's why we come here to talk about it.

Quit bitching and move on or listen to what's being said with open ears, not closed minds.

I'm just complaing because of the missing instructions!

you and the 2 fanboys are bitching and crying around.

mod note- "No flaming. Please do not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member" - Your repeated use of the term 'fanboy' is clearly insulting. The rules page is under 'Help'. You should review it in order to stay out of trouble.

Bob Loblaw

what I say may sound arrogant, but it's what I really feel and think.
what you feel and think is opposed by fact that has been presented clearly to you, having an opinion on something you have little experience with and contradicting those with it IS arrogant, doesn't just sound that way.
What you both say is simply fanboy-like.
don't care and have nothing to prove, but simple it is not and my honest criticism is in equal to my praise. just ask THC as he has gotten more than an earful. go back and read all of my posts since the 1.5's and v2's and this is what gives me cred. what gives you cred as something other than a hater?
2 days ago you said that 1.5 ohms tend to overheat and cause bad taste to the oils and today you affirm thats it's only my mistake and that we customer, or patients, must be beta-tester??
You have a selective memory...
FOR THE INEXPERIENCED USER!! as you are! i never said that they "tend to overheat and cause a bad taste" that is what you inferred. i said that they make it easier to overheat which can cause a bad taste. not at all the same thing. once again, shatter vs. Pure Gold, do you think they will act the same in the same cart? has this basic fact just kept slipping your mind? you are a beta tester everytime you buy something new. once again addressed and IGNORED. at this point i ask you to read my name quickly to yourself and realize that's what ya sound like. if that doesn't work remember what it was like for the kids in Peanuts listening to the adults.

I'm just complaing because of the missing instructions!

you and the 2 fanboys are bitching and crying around.
not true if it was the only response you would've gotten from us was that the can't for LEGAL reasons. disagreeing and bitching and crying aren't the same thing, fyi.
Bob Loblaw,


Well-Known Member
When I first started vaping flower a few years back it took some getting used to. My throat got very irritated from over excited use and I was not sure I would continue vaping. Once I healed and took slower longer (cooler hits) I no longer got the irritation and really began to enjoy it more then combusting. Some people run vape through a water pipe to cool it and add some moisture back to the dry heat.

I vape since 1 year now and have no problem with throat irritation. A few baloons in a row (through a bubbler) is no problem for me.

The main problem was simply that I did not know that 1.5 carts tend to overheat and that overheated oil does cause bad taste and thorat irritation.

And I'm sure that the 1.5 do combust if you hold the button 1-2 second to long.

But OK thanks for your advice. Will recover the oil and see if it's still usable. But I know I have overheated it to much.

As I said before, it's my mistake.
But there are no instructions to help people not to make these kind of mistakes.


Well-Known Member

Have a nice day! Read that and drop it!

I followed all these instructions:
(and also the planetvape user-guides)

Filling Cartridges

Checking Cartridge before Filling

Pre-Oxidizing Cartridges

Miscellaneous Filling Tips and Tricks

Additionally please dont use the white cap provided except for storage. Using the unit with the white cap on will result in leaks and clogs. Many users completely discard the white caps and never use them at all. Most all concentrates except for Pure Gold seem to be solid at room temperature making the cap redundant in many cases. With a thinner concentrate like PureGold or when storing the unit in a hot environment the white storage cap may be desirable to prevent the concentrate from melting and leaking out the unit.
Additionally some people like to stuff (room temp) earwax down into the cart using a manual process instead of using heat.
Also Pure Gold generally doesn't require a funnel at all. just cut the tip and squeeze the contents of the capsule down into the Cartridge. Use a toothpick or short nail(3/4 x 18 steel nail) in the center air hole to avoid clogging it with the liquid concentrate. The toothpick is effective but the nail fits perfectly.
Delta-Nine vapes official filling guide manual here
The Daelic Fill Technique
Video of the Daelic Fill Technique
Planet Vape (Canadian Dealer) has written a great filling manual here
Priming & unclogging cartridges

Priming after filling

Depress button and draw repeatedly until vapor production begins. The number of button presses required to prime a cartridge will vary greatly based on the viscosity of the concentrate and how well the concentrate flowed down into the cartridge during filling and how/if the cartridge was heated after filling to allow the contents to settle.
Guidelines on priming difficulty for generic concentrates

  • BHO and Hash Oils - These prime fairly easily despite being very viscous.
  • Butane Extracts (aka. Earwax, Super Melt, Budder, etc) - These generally prime very easily with only a few button presses.
  • CO2 (aka. Earwax, Super Melt, Budder, etc) - These generally prime with a little more heat than regular BHO or earwax.
  • 02 Extracts - Limited feedback here but these seem to be more difficult to prime.
  • Shatter Glass - often very difficult to prime. might take a while.
  • ISO Extracts - variable. some users with bad luck and some with great success.
  • Full Melt - DONT USE - Will Clog Cartridge
  • Bubble Hash - DONT USE - WONT MELT
Priming difficulty level for specific extracts common in CA collectives:

  • Liquid N Extracts (aka. Nitro OG Wax) - primes very easily with only a few button presses
  • PureGold - primes very easily with only a few button presses
Priming after clog (aka. clearing a clog)

Priming Tips

  • Fuller carts seem to develop this issue more often than emptier carts (gravity? I think so)
  • Store the omicron standing uptight if at all possible.
  • Storing the omicron on its side (laying down) especially after heavy usage can facilitate one of these clogs
  • Storing the omicron in a hot environment on in direct sunlight can facilitate one of these clogs
Priming DONTs

  • Heat the lower part of the cartridge.
  • Overheat the upper part of the cartridge. (Hold it with your hands to gauge heat)
  • Blow into the cartridge.
  • Suck too hard.

The omicron heats up immediately when the button is depressed. When depressed the button should be illuminated blue. This indicates the device is on. When you release the button the device turns off. If the user depresses the button for more than 7 seconds it will start to flash. This flashing indicates the battery has gone into to protection mode to preserve the battery life. Release the battery until the flashing stop to reset.
1. Hold the device to your mouth and inhale gently (like sipping hot coffee through a straw) while holding the button for 7 seconds. release when light flashes and stop inhaling. That is one dose.
Additional Techniques:
  • Flute method: 4 seconds on 2 seconds off, for the duration of the hit.
  • Deep pull: 6 seconds on 2 seconds off, repeat for the duration of the desired lung capacity.
  • Short method: 6 seconds and sit it down
  • Circular breathing hitting technique: Do one 7 second hit (until the battery protection kicks in), Sherlock style filling my mouth with vapor, Inhale that, hold for 10 seconds, start a 2nd hit, pulling Sherlock style, and exhale 1/2 of the original hit through my nose while still finishing the 2nd hit Sherlock style. One the battery protection kicks in again, rinse & repeat.
As this wiki entry was being written an excellent user's manual became available from Planet Vape (Canadian Dealer). It has some great flow charts explaining many concepts and functions.

I cannot see 1 note or warning regarding the 1.5 carts.

Bob Loblaw

I followed all these instructions:
(and also the planetvape user-guides)

Guidelines on priming difficulty for generic concentrates

  • BHO and Hash Oils - These prime fairly easily despite being very viscous.
  • Butane Extracts (aka. Earwax, Super Melt, Budder, etc) - These generally prime very easily with only a few button presses.
  • CO2 (aka. Earwax, Super Melt, Budder, etc) - These generally prime with a little more heat than regular BHO or earwax.
  • 02 Extracts - Limited feedback here but these seem to be more difficult to prime.
  • Shatter Glass - often very difficult to prime. might take a while.
from this, which was written for 2.4 ohm carts, and the feeling in your throat you shouldn've been able to deduce....blahblahblahblahblah
Bob Loblaw,


Well-Known Member
from this, which was written for 2.4 ohm carts, and the feeling in your throat you shouldn've been able to deduce....blahblahblahblahblah

I can see nowhere that it has been written for 2.4 carts.

Why do you need to play the fanboys? Do you need friends or what?

mod note- Please review the be nice section of the rules page, before it's too late for you.

Bob Loblaw

I can see nowhere that it has been written for 2.4 carts.

Why do you need to play the fanboys? Do you need friends or what?
not really, but since we are down to personal attacks, are you an idiot? you kinda have to be to fuck up ur throat enough to have to stay home sick. combustion is NOT possible with ANY purged oil with ANY CART on an omi battery set. i am aware it doesn't say that it's for 2.4 ohm carts, once again tho, if shatter takes a long time to prime, you aren't using shatter, or having a problem getting hits, why didn't you just back off the button in the first place? you are mad that D9 didn't teach you about a federally controlled substance? wake up to reality. seriously tho, have a good one, good luck and i'm out to enjoy the sun which is peaking it's head out.

mod note- the 'Be Nice' section of the rules applies to everyone.
Bob Loblaw,


Well-Known Member
i am aware it doesn't say that it's for 2.4 ohm carts, once again tho, if shatter takes a long time to prime, you aren't using shatter, or having a problem getting hits, why didn't you just back off the button in the first place? you are mad that D9 didn't teach you about a federally controlled substance? wake up to reality. seriously tho, have a good one, good luck and i'm out to enjoy the sun which is peaking it's head out.

yes I am in the realty, you are just not able anymore to come out of your fanboy reality.

I can see nowhere that 1.5 ohm carts are just for shatter.

Show me where it's written!

I can't find it on vaporpedia.


Well-Known Member
I vape since 1 year now and have no problem with throat irritation. A few baloons in a row (through a bubbler) is no problem for me.

The main problem was simply that I did not know that 1.5 carts tend to overheat and that overheated oil does cause bad taste and thorat irritation.

And I'm sure that the 1.5 do combust if you hold the button 1-2 second to long.

But OK thanks for your advice. Will recover the oil and see if it's still usable. But I know I have overheated it to much.

As I said before, it's my mistake.
But there are no instructions to help people not to make these kind of mistakes.

Not sure oil ever actually combusts. When I hold a tourch to a stirring rod to clean the oil off it really just vapes for the most part. I really don't think the 1.5 will combust the oil in the cart, I sure somebody will prove me wrong, lol.

I use my reclaimed oil for my Da Buddah vap, I take my already vapes flowers and stir in some oil, it is surprisingly not messy, the flower acts like a candle wick for the oil to give of vape at a manageable level. The Omni is perfect for on the go stealth vaping anywhere, but when it comes to the best flavor I now use the DBV at home, I can load .1-.2g and get a few very flavorful hits that the Omni can't even give with a fresh cart and when the flavor is gone I load a new hit. I would imagine .1-.2g would be a very good amount for a balloon. The only trick is to get the oil to flower ratio correct so oil doesn't go running.
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Well-Known Member
BRO- you're right, we are so stupid to doubt you. I'm going to contact the manufacturer and be sure they include this information in all units because as you can see in this 283 page thread, this is a big issue for one person.


Well-Known Member
Just loaded up a g of Tahoe OG wax in a 1.5, damn the hits are tasty, lemon/fuel funk hit after hit. A few 3 second hits back to back on the V1 are producing great vapor, when I need something less intense I love the regulated top on the V2, can not wait for the HVD to be shipped out.


Well-Known Member
And I'm sure that the 1.5 do combust if you hold the button 1-2 second to long.


Please don't be too sure, it's not going to combust no matter what you do. There's only a few mg of material in the heater, the bulk cannot be involved, it's not there. Too much power over runs the ability of the wicks to feed fresh material up so it starts to burn just like a pan on your stove would if you allow it to 'boil dry'. And just like the ruined dinner, it doesn't actually combust (no flames, no smoke, no cherry, no radical increase in heat output from fuel burning, no products of combustion).



Well-Known Member
I dont know how you do. But I go work for my money.

And I just pretend basic instructions & warnings,for people like me who not have the time and the patience to read 250 forum pages full of fanboy discussious like yours.

To avoid that other people make the same mistakes I did.

I not just think to my ass, like you seem to do.

I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about instructions, not my job.

I help people on here just like I tried to do with you. If you don't want/need help don't ask for it. Ignorance is bliss!


Well-Known Member
yes I am in the realty, you are just not able anymore to come out of your fanboy reality.

I can see nowhere that 1.5 ohm carts are just for shatter.

Show me where it's written!

I can't find it on vaporpedia.

I honestly can't tell if this is serious or just BS, but I'll try......

No, 1.5 Ohm carts are not just for shatter. That's probably why it's not written in official instructions. Nor do I think that's an accurate statement, rather I sense words being put into someone's mouth? That is the 'speaker' would not agree with that assessment. I think doing this is at the same level as this 'fanboy' BS, perhaps meant to attack folks rather than ideas, but not helpful at finding common ground.

So here's my take, 1.5 Ohm carts are for experts. You are not an expert, I'm sorry to be blunt but you're a new user no matter how you spell the slang expression. You got 'sucked into' the idea of 'huge clouds' by the simple act of buying the 1.5 Ohm carts, an ill researched buying choice. Nothing more or less. I could ask you to show where you were told this was a good idea, but that's not likely to be helpful here either. I don't have to ask why you didn't buy any 4 or 5 Ohm carts. I'm sure your unit came with a 2.4, mine did, for good reason. That too is a clue.

I'm sorry you got into the deep end too soon. But the problems you're having are a result of that, not the design of the pool.......or the lack of swimming lessons included with admission. Am glad you didn't drown (subject to your throat recovering).

Best wishes,




Shipping notification for the HVD!!!!!!

G, you are lucky you live in Cali I could kiss you bro!



Well-Known Member
I was sympathetic in concept. We've all lost content and if you're on a budget, there's no doubt it hurts, I really do feel you. This is the cutting edge of a new age and I do think a simplified guide to this new tech for people without knowledge of some of the great resources like FC isn't entirely unreasonable to request, but Jhonny, your attitude erases my sympathy.
I'm genuinely surprised at the grace OF and Bob L have shown, continuing to help you in the face of your name calling.
This really is a community here, from Vito to G, from DubC to Jambandphan, from Dave at Underdog to the guys at PlanetVape and Puff it Up, it's a cooperative network woven from a common love of cannabis and the wonderful ways to ingest it.

Please consider reevaluating how you address the people most likely to embrace your needs and help you with them and if you don't feel as though you're getting your answers here, consider leaving the room...
...with a bit of grace perhaps.
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