Reggae boomblasta slowvapor coughfasta
Labs fukn lie to you all the time there puttn a fancy name on
Ways that have been around for decades..but the stuf that @sticky had a vid of looks dark!!!thats the first pure gold wit that color I've seen..: here's one way... Get sum d-limonene that shud make you your pure gold as you would with qwiso..see your results.. As what
You would get? Iono I have a process I've masterd I've been charging for in home classes with people who are now in my circle..so those who don't know anything about botony or chemistry then leave
It to the bigg boys to do.
Hell yaa brotha see you there man along with a good portion of sf highest haha Im thinkn bout reserving a spot really early..get a BBQ goin if not WHO CARES on 420 haha
Ways that have been around for decades..but the stuf that @sticky had a vid of looks dark!!!thats the first pure gold wit that color I've seen..: here's one way... Get sum d-limonene that shud make you your pure gold as you would with qwiso..see your results.. As what
You would get? Iono I have a process I've masterd I've been charging for in home classes with people who are now in my circle..so those who don't know anything about botony or chemistry then leave
It to the bigg boys to do.
Hell yaa brotha see you there man along with a good portion of sf highest haha Im thinkn bout reserving a spot really early..get a BBQ goin if not WHO CARES on 420 haha