Omicron modified e-cigs

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Queer in a high haze
So, are these some custom cartomizers or can standard dual coil carts work with the hash oils?


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
lesvape said:
So, are these some custom cartomizers or can standard dual coil carts work with the hash oils?

Regular cartomizers will not work with hash oils, this is a custom built for that purpose to be used with very thick oils.

Matt Rize

I need one of these omnicron epens. Anyone use it?

And can I just dissolve some extract in glycerin and vape that?

I want to vape this ice water extract...

rize up fuck combustion!
Matt Rize,


Well-Known Member
According to the manufacturer there is no need to mix your bubble. This thread is full of content on the subject, just waiting to hear the latest news.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Matt Rize said:
I need one of these omnicron epens. Anyone use it?

And can I just dissolve some extract in glycerin and vape that?

I want to vape this ice water extract...
rize up fuck combustion!

You cant dissolver hash or hash oil in glycerin. Hash oil and hash are hydrophobic. Currently only hash oil or full melts can be used in the cartridges.


Well-Known Member
Matt Rize said:
I need one of these omnicron epens. Anyone use it?

And can I just dissolve some extract in glycerin and vape that?

I want to vape this ice water extract...
rize up fuck combustion!

You cant dissolver hash or hash oil in glycerin. Hash oil and hash are hydrophobic. Currently only hash oil or full melts can be used in the cartridges.

ohhhhh so the bubble hash would have to be full melt for it to work properly?
a lot of dispensaries here in california advertise "full melt" but in reality aren't.

hell, ive encountered tons of budtenders without a clue what that even meant WITH hash advertised fullmelt in their store. :rolleyes:


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
SD_haze said:
Matt Rize said:
I need one of these omnicron epens. Anyone use it?

And can I just dissolve some extract in glycerin and vape that?

I want to vape this ice water extract...
rize up fuck combustion!

You cant dissolver hash or hash oil in glycerin. Hash oil and hash are hydrophobic. Currently only hash oil or full melts can be used in the cartridges.

ohhhhh so the bubble hash would have to be full melt for it to work properly?
a lot of dispensaries here in california advertise "full melt" but in reality aren't.

hell, ive encountered tons of budtenders without a clue what that even meant WITH hash advertised fullmelt in their store. :rolleyes:

I know what you mean. We are also working on a way to make any type of hash fullmelt without chemicals, once we get the formula down we will introduce it to the market.


Well-Known Member
How about you introduce us to these cartridges!

Are you located in CA? How can one go about testing one of these? I am in San Francisco and would love to try before I buy. I could stomach the $30-$40 price of the One-Love but dropping $200 on something I have never seen/tried is a bit rough. I travel all over CA so let me know where you are at! Will your retailers demo if I go to their collective?


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
DubCRider said:
How about you introduce us to these cartridges!

Are you located in CA? How can one go about testing one of these? I am in San Francisco and would love to try before I buy. I could stomach the $30-$40 price of the One-Love but dropping $200 on something I have never seen/tried is a bit rough. I travel all over CA so let me know where you are at! Will your retailers demo if I go to their collective?

We will be at the International Cannabis and hemp expo in Sept, we will have a booth and you can try it before you buy it, that is if we have the patent application filed. If it is not filed by then, then you can still try it and wait for it to hit the market.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Guys you can pre order your vaporizer with 5 empty cartridges now.

1 year warranty on the vaporizer. No warranty on the cartridges.

Each cartridge was tested to work up to 600 hits off one gram of oil. Can Only be used with thick oils, no glycerin or other crap. Pure thc oil only.

You get 5 cartridges per pack.


Well-Known Member
I'll be sure to order after the ICAHE if all goes well. Is there any chance you can have a clean cartridge for me to load with my own oil? I just want to test it on the "refill" front.


Well-Known Member
Guys you can pre order your vaporizer with 5 empty cartridges now.

1 year warranty on the vaporizer. No warranty on the cartridges.

Each cartridge was tested to work up to 600 hits off one gram of oil. Can Only be used with thick oils, no glycerin or other crap. Pure thc oil only.

You get 5 cartridges per pack.

I thought it was gonna be a bit less money, but I guess I could have been wrong.

Tempting to buy, but I may need to hold off due to the price. Is this a special introductory pre order price? Or is it to just be one of the first to get it?

Still would like one though


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
DubCRider said:
I'll be sure to order after the ICAHE if all goes well. Is there any chance you can have a clean cartridge for me to load with my own oil? I just want to test it on the "refill" front.

The filling takes some time. You will need a few things that can be found around the house.

I would say that i can do about 100 an hour, but its the setup that takes up time.

But we will post up a youtube video on how to do it.


Naruto Fan
i just tried the *Pure Gold oil - nice, light

will you sell these through e-cig shops?

I'd like to buy just one, and was thinking that E-Cig City in Laguna Beach might be willing to buy a pack and split it to a few customers, if that would be acceptable?

* Nuggetry $35 1/2 (glycerin capsule inside a silk screened glass vial)


Well-Known Member

So tempting.....

How does the process work if you don't mind me asking(before the video)? Can I bring oil to the expo and get a filling lesson? Im guessing the problem is getting the oil fluid enough to pour in to the cartridge?

Either way, this sounds awesome if easy enough!

I'm also interested if this will be the standard price or if it will go up/down at any given time.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
DubCRider said:

So tempting.....

How does the process work if you don't mind me asking(before the video)? Can I bring oil to the expo and get a filling lesson? Im guessing the problem is getting the oil fluid enough to pour in to the cartridge?

Either way, this sounds awesome if easy enough!

I'm also interested if this will be the standard price or if it will go up/down at any given time.

All you have to do is hit google check out and follow directions. Now for filling well if you want to do it on a large scale aka 20-50 a day then we will have a package available soon. As far as doing it one at a time this is a little bit of a work, but should be less then 20 min, and the cartridge should last you over 500 hits. If you follow directions.

One major issue is you cant let it sit in direct sunlight or anything above *80F.

As far as the price is concerend it is going to stay the same.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm more than happy to sit at your booth all day if you let me load a catridge! You can use it to demo others as well! I'm a try before you buy type...


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
DubCRider said:
Well, I'm more than happy to sit at your booth all day if you let me load a catridge! You can use it to demo others as well! I'm a try before you buy type...

ah man you gonna make me bust out my lab set? haha, i welcome you with open arms my brotha, I am glad i can sit there and speak to someone about this cool little device. But one thing, because we do this day in day out, do not be intimidated with our lab equipment for our filling process.


Well-Known Member
20 minutes seems a bit long, but worth 500 hits. You mention 500 and 600 hits, does it vary between this amount?

If you order 2 batteries for $210, does this mean you could have 2 devices going at the same time?


Well-Known Member
DubCRider said:
Well, I'm more than happy to sit at your booth all day if you let me load a catridge! You can use it to demo others as well! I'm a try before you buy type...

ah man you gonna make me bust out my lab set? haha, i welcome you with open arms my brotha, I am glad i can sit there and speak to someone about this cool little device. But one thing, because we do this day in day out, do not be intimidated with our lab equipment for our filling process.

You could use paperclips and a plastic bag with the corner cut off to fill it and I wouldn't care as long as it works.

Does butane hash work or should I get honey oil or something more liquid to start? I have tons of bubble hash but it is not full melt, will that work? How about Keef, does that work?


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
gvape said:
20 minutes seems a bit long, but worth 500 hits. You mention 500 and 600 hits, does it vary between this amount?

If you order 2 batteries for $210, does this mean you could have 2 devices going at the same time?

yes you can have two devices going at the same time if you have two cartridges. But you will only have 1 charger.

I know the 20 minutes might seem long but thats includes setting up everything and getting it into the first 5 cartridges, after that you can do about 100 an hour, as for the hits our 1 gram of oil is still going 700+ hits, but thats us in a controlled setting.

This is the only issue for the do it your selfer.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
DubCRider said:
DubCRider said:
Well, I'm more than happy to sit at your booth all day if you let me load a catridge! You can use it to demo others as well! I'm a try before you buy type...

ah man you gonna make me bust out my lab set? haha, i welcome you with open arms my brotha, I am glad i can sit there and speak to someone about this cool little device. But one thing, because we do this day in day out, do not be intimidated with our lab equipment for our filling process.

You could use paperclips and a plastic bag with the corner cut off to fill it and I wouldn't care as long as it works.

Does butane hash work or should I get honey oil or something more liquid to start? I have tons of bubble hash but it is not full melt, will that work? How about Keef, does that work?

It has to be a full melt. Right now we can only say it works with hash oil aka honey oil. Untill further testing is done on full melt hashes we cant say it works. But we have gotten it to work, but its the reliability.


DubCRider said:
How about you introduce us to these cartridges!

Are you located in CA? How can one go about testing one of these? I am in San Francisco and would love to try before I buy. I could stomach the $30-$40 price of the One-Love but dropping $200 on something I have never seen/tried is a bit rough. I travel all over CA so let me know where you are at! Will your retailers demo if I go to their collective?

We will be at the International Cannabis and hemp expo in Sept, we will have a booth and you can try it before you buy it, that is if we have the patent application filed. If it is not filed by then, then you can still try it and wait for it to hit the market.

Can you confirm that you're going to be at the expo in Oakland, CA on Sept. 3rd & 4th? If that's the case, I will be there with money in hand, ready for a demo. :)


Well-Known Member
I feel like if you are getting now 700 hits off 1 cartridge its pretty diluted per hit. It still comes out cheaper then the glycerin pen I have (ivapor), which never provided the feeling I just took a dab (even after 6-10 hits), it was more like a way to keep a slight medicated feeling throughout the day with super ease and convenience!

Im just wondering since none of the hits in the videos look that milky. Correct me if I am wrong, but I would need more than the "2-3" hits to feel like a dab hit. I am looking for this to keep a good medicated feeling throughout the day on the go, maybe even all the time if it proves to be as useful as it seems. Even if this doesn't provide 700 hits and is more like 450, and 3-5 hits would feel like a dab, even 6-10 hits for 1 dab would still give about 45 sessions. This making me think that 1 cartridge would last me easily a month if it was only me using it, possibly even longer. This would seem SO much more effective then using my curve, nail, or eclipse.

How are the hits tasting after 700+ hits. Do you feel they taste just as good as a fresh cartridge. How often do you feel that this needs to be charged?

Lots of things going around my head debating if I am about to hit BUY or not. Just want to get some of these questions answered.
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