Omicron modified e-cigs

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To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
youwont said:
So these new Vaporizing Pen's is it a liquid or like a wax based product inside of the cartrage ?

These cartridges take honey oil. They are empty so if you want to use honey oil you buy them empty and put it in yourself.



i watched all your videos and i'm impressed. how is the taste? and the smell? sorry if someone ask it allready..

and an other thing is the shipping price. i live in switzerland and the shipping is 76$.. thats way to much for something that costs 200$ and thats not so big? i only ask, in no way wont to be rude..but 76$ there a cheaper way?

greez and happy vape


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Tastes like hash oil smells like hash oil. Email us your address I'll try to see what's up with shipping.


gold all in my chains...dont believe me just watch
watched the videos...thing looks amazing.

i know everyone was talking about butane hash (or honey?) oil (BHO) to use with these.

in your refill video, i noticed an open bottle of isopropyl alcohol. is that what you used to do the extraction for your refill video?

what im really asking is, i know that you already confirmed that BHO would work, but would it work the same if you used hash oil from an iso extraction?

i would assume yes, but just want to make sure...product looks fucking awesome.

oh, also, will the "e-joint" be that silver color in the refill video or have some other outer cover or something? and also, are all the materials that are used in production safe for consumption (or even inert) at the temperatures that this little device reaches?

thanks so much man!

unrelated, if you are the guy from the youtube videos, are you armenian by any chance?


EDIT: i have been seeing something new (new to me) called CO2 oil. im assuming that they just use a different solvent (CO2) to extract it, but it looks a LOT more thicker than the oils from your videos. would that work in the omicron?

it looks a little more solid than liquid (which i assume you can change with more heat) at room temperature.

thanks again!


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
akwardsauce said:
watched the videos...thing looks amazing.

i know everyone was talking about butane hash (or honey?) oil (BHO) to use with these.

in your refill video, i noticed an open bottle of isopropyl alcohol. is that what you used to do the extraction for your refill video?

what im really asking is, i know that you already confirmed that BHO would work, but would it work the same if you used hash oil from an iso extraction?

i would assume yes, but just want to make sure...product looks fucking awesome.

oh, also, will the "e-joint" be that silver color in the refill video or have some other outer cover or something? and also, are all the materials that are used in production safe for consumption (or even inert) at the temperatures that this little device reaches?

thanks so much man!

unrelated, if you are the guy from the youtube videos, are you armenian by any chance?


EDIT: i have been seeing something new (new to me) called CO2 oil. im assuming that they just use a different solvent (CO2) to extract it, but it looks a LOT more thicker than the oils from your videos. would that work in the omicron?

it looks a little more solid than liquid (which i assume you can change with more heat) at room temperature.

thanks again!

As long as it's honey oil doesn't matter what the extraction method was.
The iso bottle is only used to clean the cartridges outside and the tools I use.

All is safe inside to use.

And yes I am Armenian.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I know CO2 is used by extracting herbs like Salvia, Amanita, Damiana... and if there is no chemical chemical impossibility with MJ .. Why not.. I have a CO2 for beer tank .. in the garage.. may be i will try some day if i have the plant material..
"And yes I am Armenian."
Love Armenia , Many of my people like to complain to the "Armenian priest" :p
Abysmal Vapor,


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Abysmal Vapor said:
I know CO2 is used by extracting herbs like Salvia, Amanita, Damiana... and if there is no chemical chemical impossibility with MJ .. Why not.. I have a CO2 for beer tank .. in the garage.. may be i will try some day if i have the plant material..

Please do not Try any co2 extraction as it is very dangerous. You need supercritical co2 machine to extract with co2 a regular co2 tank is not enough. You need psi around 5000 for it to work.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Abysmal Vapor said:
I know CO2 is used by extracting herbs like Salvia, Amanita, Damiana... and if there is no chemical chemical impossibility with MJ .. Why not.. I have a CO2 for beer tank .. in the garage.. may be i will try some day if i have the plant material..

Please do not Try any co2 extraction as it is very dangerous. You need supercritical co2 machine to extract with co2 a regular co2 tank is not enough. You need psi around 5000 for it to work.
Thx.. thanx for that info :p.. No i see that it is really high pressure and the low toxicity of C02 that are useful..
Abysmal Vapor,


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Abysmal Vapor said:
Abysmal Vapor said:
I know CO2 is used by extracting herbs like Salvia, Amanita, Damiana... and if there is no chemical chemical impossibility with MJ .. Why not.. I have a CO2 for beer tank .. in the garage.. may be i will try some day if i have the plant material..

Please do not Try any co2 extraction as it is very dangerous. You need supercritical co2 machine to extract with co2 a regular co2 tank is not enough. You need psi around 5000 for it to work.
Thx.. thanx for that info :p.. No i see that it is really high pressure and the low toxicity of C02 that are useful..

Co2 is one of the best ways to extract, but is one of the worst yields, and one of the most dangerous. If you really want to do some extractions please wait for our formula on solventless oils. We are currently working on a method that anyone at home can do it without the risk of blowing shit up.


gold all in my chains...dont believe me just watch
akwardsauce said:
watched the videos...thing looks amazing.

i know everyone was talking about butane hash (or honey?) oil (BHO) to use with these.

in your refill video, i noticed an open bottle of isopropyl alcohol. is that what you used to do the extraction for your refill video?

what im really asking is, i know that you already confirmed that BHO would work, but would it work the same if you used hash oil from an iso extraction?

i would assume yes, but just want to make sure...product looks fucking awesome.

oh, also, will the "e-joint" be that silver color in the refill video or have some other outer cover or something? and also, are all the materials that are used in production safe for consumption (or even inert) at the temperatures that this little device reaches?

thanks so much man!

unrelated, if you are the guy from the youtube videos, are you armenian by any chance?


EDIT: i have been seeing something new (new to me) called CO2 oil. im assuming that they just use a different solvent (CO2) to extract it, but it looks a LOT more thicker than the oils from your videos. would that work in the omicron?

it looks a little more solid than liquid (which i assume you can change with more heat) at room temperature.

thanks again!

As long as it's honey oil doesn't matter what the extraction method was.
The iso bottle is only used to clean the cartridges outside and the tools I use.

All is safe inside to use.

And yes I am Armenian.

EDIT: ignore...whoops, nevermind...wrong person

dude maybe im trippin (but i was sober when watching your videos) but you look SO familiar...

do you think its possible that we partied a few times and specifically about 2-3 times at your (or maybe your parents') house?

the times that im thinking at your parents' house was for the nba playoffs (i think the year boston won) & your(?) brother had a handful of people over, couple of dudes were calling in their bets, drinking, etc... the house's backyard was on a hill, there was an outdoor "kitchen" area with a countertop, gas stoves, & barstools where we all had kebabs & pita at night, also a pool & chilling area in the back of the house. i believe i brought over about 30 zankou pita wraps with a shitload of garlic sauce. and another dude had a sweet black pitbull huge puppy (rocko?) with a thick chain link collar around its neck.

another time at a pool party (different house) where there were about 75 people & everyone who came HAD to get pushed in the pool by either you or your brother (if that even was you)? my friend who may be a best friend of yours is an accountant (cpa) & went to csun & got married like 2-3 yrs ago & has a yellow labrador dog...

& maybe a few other times, too...but always with that friend i described above...?

(i dont want to put quite specific info out there about any individual, but if any of that sounded familiar, im sure thats you)...

anyways that would be crazy if that was you cuz that really reminded me of this dude...and he was actually really cool & really nice btw, so this ISNT some "that mothafucka owes me money!" type shit...just curious...

*** *** ***

...but anyways, 1. did i hear that you guys are working on glass components or something?

btw, someones looks like theyre trying to sabotage your youtube videos with their comments...unless, 2. do you have any beta-testing units out right now or something?

also, lets say something does happen to go wrong after the 1 year warranty expires, 3. what would have to be the most expensive, intricate piece to pay for (the battery?) & about 4. how much $$$ would you guys charge to fix the most expensive thing that can go wrong with it (other than losing it or getting it stolen etc)? im kind of trying to decide between something like this or an eclipse vape, which has a lifetime warranty, but you have to carry around a flame & light it for a few seconds, which is not really as stealthy as your thing...

5. AND, if you put a screen or something at the tip, could it act as some kind of barrier so the oil doesnt spill in your mouth or would that be too much clogging up?

another suggestion, you may want to add some tag words (like "vape" and "vaporizer") to your youtube video because it was somewhat hard to search for when i typed in "omicron" would probably get more views that way, too...which may mean more user-reviews for us!

lastly, 6. will the silver metallic tube be exposed the whole time (like in the youtube videos), or will there be like a black cover or something on that?

thanks & peace!

(ps, i just anyone who cant easily distinguish the numbers from the text, im sorry to say you may be red/green colorblind...sorry)

*** *** ***

EDIT: haha...alright, habibi...just had to make sure!

the armenians in the valley are crazy...but very fun!

ya, i always saw those clips of magic going off back in the day at that all star game!

fyi, you got a look-alike out there...but dont worry about him ruining your reputation, hes a cool guy.

so, youre saying the maximum cost, if anything happens to fail after 1 year, is no more than $30, correct? that doesnt seem too risky, i guess...would also love to see pictures of the case & accessories know, the whole bundle.

do you ever have to hold the "e-spliff" upside-down or something to get the thick oil to flow onto the cartomizer, or does it all just take care of itself?

ya, that guy on youtube says that they already used the omicron & it doesnt work, it has glycerin, ripoff, etc & compares it to the i-vapor...but im guessing that he is lying? that would be a pretty dirty way to sabotage omicron, especially if he had a different vape company...but i cant prove that...

anyways, id love to see/hear/read some user reviews about how the effects feel, too...

but it still sounds like a great idea!

thanks bro!


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
1. just to shut that guy up on YouTube I'm gonna make a a cartridge that vaporizes a half gram at once.

2. No beta testing. All testing was done already.

3. The initial unit.

4. 1 year warranty and we replace te battery after a year for $30. then you get another year warranty free. So it is like replacing the battery in your car orcell phone when it goes bad.

5. The rubber mouth piece is just for that just in case oil comes up the tube.

6. There is a sleeve that goes over the cartridge. We will have pics up soon.

Oh btw. Not a NBA fan anymore not since magic left the lakers in 92. 93 was the best year for all the star game when Magic took Isiah and Michael to the hole and tought them what showtime was about.

Never had a house on the hill and never pushed people in the pool. From what you said them is some wild guys.


Well-Known Member
A good day at work!

First impression out of the package is good. Solid case, discrete branding. The box for the cartridges looks nice too with the company logo. The website on the side is a good touch too.


All opened up!


After looking at all the parts it feels very solid in your hand. Not exactly light but not anything like a roll of quarters. I can't wait to get some oil after work! Full review(video) of the filling to come.



gold all in my chains...dont believe me just watch
DubCRider said:
A good day at work!

First impression out of the package is good. Solid case, discrete branding. The box for the cartridges looks nice too with the company logo. The website on the side is a good touch too.

All opened up!

After looking at all the parts it feels very solid in your hand. Not exactly light but not anything like a roll of quarters. I can't wait to get some oil after work! Full review(video) of the filling to come.

please also give us your thoughts on its effectiveness (compared to any other vape you own or something). basically, is it good? is the feeling worth the purchase? also, does any of the materials that they use show up in the taste at all, that you notice?

hey THC SCIENTIFIC, does it only come in this color right now or are there choices?

thanks, guys!


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
akwardsauce said:
DubCRider said:
A good day at work!

First impression out of the package is good. Solid case, discrete branding. The box for the cartridges looks nice too with the company logo. The website on the side is a good touch too.

All opened up!

After looking at all the parts it feels very solid in your hand. Not exactly light but not anything like a roll of quarters. I can't wait to get some oil after work! Full review(video) of the filling to come.

please also give us your thoughts on its effectiveness (compared to any other vape you own or something). basically, is it good? is the feeling worth the purchase? also, does any of the materials that they use show up in the taste at all, that you notice?

hey THC SCIENTIFIC, does it only come in this color right now or are there choices?

thanks, guys!

Only this style is available..


Well-Known Member
I own an incognito but can use most high end vapes at the local lounges in SF. I have never vaped straight oil so my taste critique may be off. I have birdnested, skilleted, paddled, coaled, and nailed though so that will be my basis on flavor.

I'm a daily bong toker(sorry Vape-heads) but enjoy a discrete Vape on the go. I'm hoping this will be on the level of a One Love Magnum but without the carrier oil flavor.

I'll let you know as soon as I do!


Well-Known Member
For the "try before you buy" types out there I will be at the expo in Oakland tomorrow with three flavors to sample. Super Trainwreck honey oil, OG Kush honey oil, and some random BHO from my buddy. If we don't cross paths at the expo and you want to give it a try between noon and 4pm hit me up, 925-575-1556.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
im puffin on the oil carts now, im up to 300 hits still going, have clogging issues but a paper clip fixes that issue real fast. some oil leaking from the top but the mouth piece guards it so no worries there. All in all guys this thing rocks. Cant wait for Dubs review on it.


Well-Known Member
Tain, or BHO, works great!!!!! Awesome flavor!

The honey oils are a bit tricky. They leak from the mouth piece for the first couple rips.

The clouds are decent in size. Flavor is good, no off flavors.

Filling was easy, I'll have my cloudy vid up tonight!


DubCRider said:
Tain, or BHO, works great!!!!! Awesome flavor!

The honey oils are a bit tricky. They leak from the mouth piece for the first couple rips.

The clouds are decent in size. Flavor is good, no off flavors.

Filling was easy, I'll have my cloudy vid up tonight!

But how good are the hits? Do you feel like you're getting adequately medicated?

We're driving up to the expo from Modesto... the main reason we planned on going was because THC Scientific said he'd be there with the demo's... would you mind if I text you when we arrive to check it out?


Well-Known Member
I posted my number for that reason. Hit me up!

It's no brain melter but definitely gets the job done. The hits are cloudy but not thick which I like because it's discrete. I had no intentions of it replacing my bong, just to fill the void while out and about. It fills the void, but not as effectively as a solid bong hit. Unlike the white one love, you feel it instantly.


gold all in my chains...dont believe me just watch
thats awesome news man...thanks so much for the info!

do you think it is possible that it leaks out of the tip for the first few hits because maybe it was filled too full?

i saw in his refill video that he filled it damn near to the tippy-top of the cartomizer...i was wondering if i would fill it to slightly less than full capacity if it would be better? how full did you fill yours on your first go?

do you think that would make any difference?

thanks again!

everyone who is going, have fun at the expo!


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
akwardsauce said:
thats awesome news man...thanks so much for the info!

do you think it is possible that it leaks out of the tip for the first few hits because maybe it was filled too full?

i saw in his refill video that he filled it damn near to the tippy-top of the cartomizer...i was wondering if i would fill it to slightly less than full capacity if it would be better? how full did you fill yours on your first go?

do you think that would make any difference?

thanks again!

everyone who is going, have fun at the expo!

I filled up about a gram. I don't recommend using more then a gram. We are working on ver 2 to fix this issue, but for now the mouth piece guards against it. You just have to wipe it off from time to time.


Portable Vaporist
DubCRider said:
I posted my number for that reason. Hit me up!

It's no brain melter but definitely gets the job done. The hits are cloudy but not thick which I like because it's discrete. I had no intentions of it replacing my bong, just to fill the void while out and about. It fills the void, but not as effectively as a solid bong hit. Unlike the white one love, you feel it instantly.

Thanks for representing and hooking up. I have to say it seems to work fine. Taste was great on the BHO and not bad on the other oil you had. The Draw is fairly restrictive as you would expect from a device this size. you have to slow draw a bit harder than say with a MFLB. Gonna have to get one.

Those who got to the expo early like we did got to spend 1.5 hours basically waiting in line. By the time I rolled out at 3:00 PM all but the patient verification line had died down.
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