Abysmal Vapor said:
Beautiful stuff OCD

.. It this aviable yet ? Do you plan a FC discount ?Do you ship internationally ??http://www.oldcitydiffusers.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/photo4.0150030_large.JPG
This woodwork is breathtaking..

Second one from left to right... has stipes like the Cheshire cat .. And i am a purple heart addict.. WOW
Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you like purpleheart - it is a bear to work with! (no offense to bears). The striped purpleheart/cherry and the purpleheart are smaller sized units, they are in the works right now as I am drilling/assembling them. Exotic woods are often the hardest to work with, so I will only make them available once they are completed, each one is like an individual journey to get it done - the amazing and unique properties of wood also make it somewhat unpredictable...
Cost - I have taken a serious amount of time into research for each individual part that goes into these units. I try to use only the safest and high quality materials all-around, and the heating element and ceramic insulator are custom made for OCD and have required a large amount of capital to get right. Each part from building the heating assembly, drilling and boring operations, etc are all carried out by just one person, me. After it is all said and done, I believe I am going to have to raise the prices in order for the business to have the ability to keep it self afloat and I believe that the time, consideration, and quality spent on each unit it is well worth it... The cost of the new OCD package will be around
$225 for the cylindrical style body and standard sized power chord. As soon as I get a new shipment of wood in and the previous patrons all receive their new units, I'll put the store up. I was hoping on running a sale exclusively for FC users but nothing has been set in stone at the moment. I could also offer units that have been cosmetically nicked for a severe discount to those who would like an OCD vaporizer but just cannot afford the full price. I'll work on the details of this more and try to get back to you. My brain is fried after days behind a computer screen trying to get the site up!
These units will be available anywhere that USPS will ship them... I do however only have 110v versions available at the moment and it may require a power converter / adapter to work correctly.