DeepFried said:Old City Diffusers said:I also have just came back from traveling up north and was able to pick up some beautiful FSC certified IPE (super tough, wonderfully dark wood).
That is some really cool wood, IPE or Brazilian walnut, also known as Ironwood because it is so strong you can't drive a nail through it, has the same fire rating as concrete and steel. Ipe has a janka hardness of 3680; in comparison to California Redwood at 420, this hardwood is 8 times the hardness. It's negative though is its dust that can cause a number of respiratory and contact dermatitis allergic reactions in humans.
I haven't yet test the IPE, its not in my hands yet (being shipped down). I'm glad you mentioned it though, I generally do quite a bit of background reading before I start choosing wood for my units. However, I just happened to run across this great wood in a Pennsylvania lumber supplier while I was up north, whether it makes it to final units is unknown at this moment. But from the sounds of it you know what your talking about ( or forgot to cite a website