Yeah we threw away 8g of golden goodness because i couldnt trust it...

Yeah we threw away 8g of golden goodness because i couldnt trust it...
Ive used oil slick pads for a couple months now and they work well. An easy solution to scraping and parchment paper, they do what they are supposed to.
I as well got a small bubble in the green boarder, it popped and peeled off. Now i just use the other side. Not a big deal.
Someone commented on one of my instagram pics and said the oil slick pad isnt for blasting or purging and can contaminate oils. They recommended the oil slick ptfe roll, which apparently doesnt do this. I couldnt find anything that confirms this. I did read this entire thread and saw the post with the "platinum cure" explanation but i guess that still didnt clarify for me whether it does or not.
have had mine on trips, small balls in pocket. they are all great. prefer the stacks in general, but the balls are great for travelgot mine yesterday. gonna do take the small balls on a trip. let you know how they hold up
So are the slick stacks / balls considered safe even if you keep wax in there for a long period of time (over a year)?
Mine is the same way I just use the side thats smooth.I have seen no mention of the a different texture from front and back that I can clearly feel. One side feels super smooth/flat and the other side feels to have more grip more of a silicone feel. I understand to make a rolled product it must be poured out into sheets and thats what I'm feeling but what side is better to use or did I get a knockoff from ebay and the real one is rolled on both sides?
Its the oil slick pad.