Ok so going by the the study you linked EverthingsHazy it says the maximum recomended human dose of EPIDIOLEX is 20mg per kg .
I weigh 166 pounds or 75 kilos
75 × 20mg = 1500 mgs a day
Check this out not epidiolex but still 390 dollars canadian for 4000 mgs of cbd oil before tax . so it would cost me about 450 bucks with tax for a little over 2 days worth of cbd oil at that dose . which is besides the point but still worth noting . Thats 6750 dollars for a months supply at the maximun dose .
Not sure who could afford this but anyway ...
Oral cbd produces less bioavalibility then vaping like we mostly talk about here but just for fun lets try and figure out how much cbd flower we would need to vape to get simalar maximun daily doses .
Acording to this it says oral cbd will get you between 4 and 20 % of your dose into your bloodstream
Inhalation it says between 34 and 56 % of your dose will make it into your bloodstream .
So if we go somewere in the middle say 10 % for oral and say 26 % for inhalation we can see that vaping would yeild about 2 and a half times the bioavalibilty of cbd to your blood stream .
So if we take that 1500 mg daily dose of oral cbd and convert it to a inhaltion dose we would need to devide the 1500 by 2.5 so
1500 ÷ 2.5 = 600
So you would need to vape 600 mg of cbd to maybe get a simalar dose into your blood stream
For example sake i have a 9 percent cbd strain which if you do the math = 90mg of cbd per gram . Which if you do the math you would have to vape 6.6 grams a day to get your 600 mgs into your blood strram .
This strain was 11 dollars a gram with tax which equals 6.6 × 11 = 73 dollars a day alot cheaper then the oil for sure .
Anyway like i said i have been using cbd daily long term now like 4 years as well as testing my liver enzymes ALT and AST with NO problem at all .
Now ofcoarse no were near these crazy high doses there usingvto try and kill these poor little micies lol but...
Get my drift those are huge freaking amounts of cbd doses and this is with mice we are talking about .
I dont think any of us here unless we have a wicked drug plan or were rich could even afford these doses anyway i aint no doctor or scientist. And just some dude on the internet that said i dont think i would vape a quarter of weed a day just incase . And it would probably start to gross me out if i even tried to vape that much
Edit i made a mistake with my estimate of the 26 % bioavalibity through vaping as some were in the middle should have been maybe 45 % or some were abouts which would mean you need less the the 6.6 grams of 9 % cbd flower to vape which makes it even much cheaper way to get cbd but also lowers the amout you would need to vape to gwt those maxium doses into your bloodstream which could make it easyier to posion your self if this study even can be extrpalated to people from mice