Looks like the vapor buddy kind of knockoff

. Although i like the color

What about an all glass vape
I-vaps is a herbal vaporizer , made from nothing but glass!
No Metal Parts
No Smoke , No Toxins
Reliable and durable
Easy to use!
Lowest Price Highest Quality!
Comes With a Car Connector!
Comes with 220v or 110v connector.
here you can find step by step instructions for using the I-vaps: All Glass Vaporizer.
to start using the I-vaps Vaporizer, first connect the electrical cable to Vaporizer at one side, and the other side to the power outlet. once connected give it about 3 5 minutes to heat up.
First, turn on the power switch to the 1 dial to activate the I-vaps Vaporizer.
Once activated, the Heating coil of the I-vaps will become orange.
Begin finely grinding your blend, insuring the maximum release of its essential Minerals.
Fill up the glass tube with the blend and screw the plastic red safety bracket to the base clockwise. and you can start inhaling the vapors from the silicon tube.
Draw from the mouthpiece with deep steady breathes as vaporization takes place.
When the blend is completely used, remove the filling chamber and discard your substance using the maintenance tool provided.
Repeat the steps as desired.
To turn off the I-vapsVaporizer, simply turn the power switch to O.
The I-vaps is running on a 12v transformer and can be left on all day long! -------- Video (animation)
It is made in ISRAEL
And they even have their own vapebong

.. Wish i knew hebrew so i can browse their forum..
Looks nicely done..
I already tried to contact them with no success .. (2 days ago ) via e-mail.
Now i will try them on facebook..