I can keep my health insurance 

I can keep my health insurance![]()
Yes, me too! We are all still protected! Fuck you Romney! Go crawl back under the rock from which you came, you fuck face!
The racial makeup and social aspects of this country is changing, and unless they get with the program, they will remain an angry party that feels persecuted if someone doesn't believe in their world view of things and that truly thinks that the earth is only 6000 years old.
They have become so ideologicaly "pure" that I'm sure they will think they lost this election because Romney wasn't conservative enough!
So, Vicki, tell us how you really feel.![]()
Yes... we call it DesoxynNext up..........legalize Chrystal Meth!
Is that the one that causes cannablism? If so I have a wedding I'd like to trash...Yes... we call it Desoxyn![]()
Yup. That too. A party in total denial as to what is really happening here. Their base is white religious males over 65 years old. Whites are becoming the minority, baby boomers are dying off and atheism is growing faster than Christianity. The Republican party better change with the times and become a party that is inclusive, that respects cultural differences, along with different religious and sexual views.
They don't need to become liberal. They just need to move away from the edge of the far Right. Both parties can either occupy center-left and center-right and STILL be able to differentiate themselves.
But like you said, yelooo, they will probably say that they were not conservative enough and honestly believe that if they had a candidate like Santorum or Bachman, they would have won. Talk about delusional.
Is that the one that causes cannablism? If so I have a wedding I'd like to trash...
Black eyes, like a dolls eyes. Don't seem to be living at all, till it bites ya.![]()
That being said, I'm a registered independent and wish they would do away with parties and electoral college bullshit. Popular vote for the best person with the best policies and willingness to follow through. I feel like parties just polarize sides and people get all heated and attack other parties they don't identify with. How bout someone in office who doesn't lie and follows through with what he/she said they would. Deep down I think that's all we really want.
I think it would be completely impossible for anyone who isnt a millionaire to win office.
Black eyes, like a dolls eyes. Don't seem to be living at all, till it bites ya.![]()
Yes, the Republicans lost because they were too moderate.