I recently got my hands on a D-Nail Sapphire Halo.
After using it for awhile I can say that it is unequivocally the best tasting and most efficient dabbing experience ever!!!
The amount of reclaim, or should I say lack of reclaim, is ridiculous.
After vaping 5g of wax/shatter using the Sapphire Halo I took a few pics of my dropdown:
Sadly I deleted the picture I had of the same set-up after vaping 5 grams using the SiC Halo.
The difference was staggering.
Not to mention that the reclaim generated when using the Sapphire Halo is almost all light-sweet-honey-reclaim; no dark nasty drops (the reclaim with the SiC Halo was about half and half light-sweet/dark-nasty).
The hit is very smooth and there is almost no residual oil left in the Sapphire Halo after dabbing (the Sapphire is a milky white so it's easy to see any leftover oil).
My concentrate usage has dropped by at least 20%.
I'm running at a much lower temperature: Sapphire Halo @ 609* using the heat retainer, which definitely soaks up some heat vs. SiC Halo @ 629* w/o the heat retainer.
Sadly I don't have a thermometer to get actual dish temperatures, but I might get one for educational purposes.
I prefer using retaining lug with the smaller air inlet.
I don't get the whistle that
@Monsoon mentioned when using this lug.
I thought that the added restriction would be a problem, but it seems to make the air flow a bit more easily; venturi effect?
All in all I can't say enough.
I thought that the SiC Halo was leaps and bounds ahead of everything else, after getting it I really didn't want to dab off of anything else.
Well the Sapphire Halo seems to be an order of magnitude better, I no longer use the SiC Halo at home.
I ordered a Liger V2 with SiC bucket about six weeks ago, and the only thing keeping me from cancelling my order is the slight hope that Josh will release a Sapphire Bucket for the Liger.
I can't think of much else that could eclipse the performance of the Sapphire Halo.