Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
I've been using the Sapphire HALO pretty heavily since I got it Thursday and so far it's still cleaning up well. To keep it as clean as possible I find I need to thoroughly wipe down the dish with a q-tip right after the dab to try to get the bits on the sides and dish. If you don't it bakes in quickly and you need to bump the temp and wait for it to clean it off. I gradually took it above 750F to 850-900F for a bit and it seemed to to a better job at cleaning it, looked brand new after minus a couple stubborn black spots in the edge. No torching doesn't seem like it will be an issue and it can handle back to back dabs well too without getting too gunked up.
Performance wise it's still great, hits are tasty and smooth at around 600-610F. I just did some back to back hits with the SiC and noticed the difference a bit more but I think they're pretty close with the Sapphire being slightly better with the concentrates I've used with it at comparable temperatures. It's going to take some time to form a more solid opinion since you can only hit so many in a row at a time.
I also picked up the new D-Nail forked dabber for the carb cap. I usually used a separate fork dabber before but this one works pretty well. I really like how it feels in my fingers and it's well balanced.
My experience with the Sapphire Halo, while limited, has been much the same.
Be Johhny-on-the-Spot with Q-Tip (never really used Q-tips with the SiC Halo).
I've walked my Sapphire Halo up to ~870* and have settled around 610* for dabbing temperature.
@Monsoon are you using the heat retainer underneath the Sapphire Halo? (I am).
And what's your coil/controller set-up? (D-Nail flat w/ Auber RDK-200 for me).
And I too have been eyeing that forked dabber, it does look like it's well balanced.
(Not to mention that I hate using a separate dabber / cap).
It seems like the reclaim is accumulating in my rig at a slower rate than when using the SiC Halo, but I only smoked a couple of grams with it so far.
For a point of reference, when using the SiC Halo I would clean after every gram.
All in all, I'm pretty stoked!

Sorry, I can't resist reposting these pics, as this is the page top:

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