Please note that the previous message from d-nail was ambiguously phrased and I need to correct it. Actually, D-nail cannot accept used carb caps for return if you want to switch straight hole for angled.
I have been informed that the original message was highlighting that carbs must be thoroughly cleaned was actually referring to unused caps, for the reason that sometimes in the past customers have returned unused products which have been left somewhere (probably an oil slick mat or similar) that has led to oil/residue getting onto the otherwise unused product. Mods, please update my previous post to clarify this when you get a chance 
Apologies for any confusion, of course the original message in question was not my words and I copied it verbatim from the original communication.
I'm sorry but that's not excessive manufacturing oil. Manufacturing oil can be removed with iso in seconds. Torching the Ti would also work to remove excessive manufacturing oil but it wouldn't take 3 excessively long sessions of torching.
Sorry if it seems like I doubt you ... it's just you're only a beta tester who has second hand info and the info you have is very vague. Plus I never trust a salesman ...
I'm not a salesman if you hadn't noticed man. I really don't appreciate the label, that was not called for and tbh pretty rude to imply. I resent that.
This shit has gotten beyond trying my patience now. I'm a scientist, not a salesperson. I beta test for d-nail (hell the last product I beta tested was months ago!). I currently make/previously have made no money from them. I am not on their payroll/employed by them or anybody else in the cannabis/accessory industry in any way. I am not employed in any sales role and frankly I am not interested in such work! I am not a retailer. How is it justified to suggest that I am a salesperson? Regardless of intention, that is a nasty bit of ad hominem and is really not appreciated.
The info I have provided is as specific as you can reasonably expect. The details I have given have not been provided elsewhere yet to my knowledge and are less 'vague' (that is to say, more specific!) than any other source anywhere has been on this topic!
Whilst these details fall short of providing you with supplier's info; I and another here have already pointed out that nobody in any business is likely to give you or me their supplier's details - especially given that competitors have already tried to rip-off the very product in question!
I can't fathom why you think d-nail would give that supplier info out now!?
I am telling you that the manufacturing oil on my Sub took ages to get out and ISO alone was not working, smelt like a machine shop when I turned it on. It took a serious torching to get it clean.
Manufacturing oil could absolutely be the issue and is most likely to my mind, especially inside the thread where it is most likely to get stuck!
Think about the dab oil buildup that you get in threads if you are dabbing low temp and don't clean the inside of the ti base for long enough - that shit won't come off of ti readily in iso either, even with a long soak. It requires at least iso and vigorous mechanical scrubbing and then torching afterwards. If machining oil/manufacturing residue got in here during manufacturing, it would similarly require not only iso wash but thorough scrubbing and torching.
Now I am sorry, but if you won't listen to what I went out of my way to find out for you and everyone here, then respectfully, I can't lead the proverbial horse any closer to the water.
I am done discussing this with you - you've heard the info straight from the horses mouth and the only disagreement with this info has been unsubstantiated conjecture. The burden of proof is on the person who accuses wrongdoing/dishonesty, after all! You nor anyone else have provided even remotely clear evidence of any fakery or wrongdoing and the claims suggesting such are hence unwarranted.
Moreover, it has been taxing of my time and patience arguing with you alone on this single point for the last day and a half. I mean no offence but seriously man, I live with multiple chronic illnesses, I work very long hours and I do not have the time or the inclination to talk to people who are not even going to listen to me.
I don't even need the info in this thread personally (at the very least until something better than the sapphire halo comes out anyway!) and I have only been here to help others who frequently tag me with questions.
In future,
(this goes for anybody) please do not engage me in conversation if you are not going to listen to my input and take me at my word, in good faith (rather than ignore me, call me a salesman and tell me that despite my providing more info than is available elsewhere, this is too 'vague' for you). That is the most basic dignity that you can give to any interlocutor and is IMO a bare minimum requirement of polite and respectful conversation - coincidentally, this is the only kind of conversation I'm interested in.