Any word on when the liger v3 is coming out? Im itching to jump in the enail game and, judging from everyone's reactions, a liger nail would make that jump even nicer.
Just cleaned my Sapphire Halo again with the Dark Crystal Clear solution and am about to take a fresh dab on it. Not shown is the black charring on the inside where the lug is but that's not an issue as long as the surface is pristine.
I saw that trick making the rounds on Facebook this week, didn't think about using it with my dab-wear. Much cheaper than a bottle of Dark Crystal too.Oh, I may have to pick some Dark Crystal up just for my sapphire! So I have a lot of SiC and Quartz inserts around and I usually torch clean these back to new with no problems.
Well I have this 1x little 20mm sapphire guy and since it's the only one in the world right now I REALLY don't want to torch clean it as you can imagine. So I have used a dryer sheet trick on burnt pans in the past. So I tore a little piece of dryer sheet, a drop of dish soap and hot water. I left it overnight, came back and took my tool and twisted the dryer sheet around the insert. It came 99.5% clean! cleaner than my 99.9% ISO got it at least. I did a iso was after and it was good to go! So I may try Dark crystal but until then "Martha Stewart's dab cleaning method" may work lol.
@YabaDabaGoo It is all in the preference and not so much one over another.
Liger V2: Uses much less product to do the same thing as the Dnail. But is hard to match the pure output the Dnail halo does on a good piece of glass. The main thing to take away from the Liger is the efficiency of the nail with much less product. I found that I used a 3rd of what I was putting into the Halo and was getting good and baked still. Once I found I did not need to dump as much into the bowl, I saw a huge savings in the amount of product I was using and still was plenty medicated =)
Dnail Halo: The halo is like a wood chipper in that you can feed it long dabs and it will mow through them. But that also means you are using a lot more product. You will also see more reclaim when using the Dnail over the Liger. I believe it is due to having a larger surface that is being heated and so it can consume more. But it also wastes more with the overall amounts of reclaim.
I have a quartz halo and also a V2 liger with SiC and Quartz inserts and I always end up using the Liger over my Halo. I still use the halo, just no where near as much as I did prior to getting the Liger and pairing it with the SiC insert. That is now my main go to. I know the V3 liger will be out sometime this month and it will have a flat coil version and so far it has shown great results per the beta testers in our FC community.
If you can afford it you might think about just stepping up and getting both so you will truly know the pros and cons to each =)
Alright dabbers. I did this question with the two bubbler kings of DHGate. So now I will do it with the two nail kings. I am only interested in answers from people who have tried both, and reasoning is appreciated:
Which is king... The Liger or the Dnail? Let's assume surfaces are the same, SiC or quartz inserts.
@YabaDabaGoo I get great flavor out of both. It all comes down to finding the magic spot in the temp.
Here is what I run for temps:
Liger V2 with SiC 645
Dnail Quartz halo 770
I will play around with the above temps when pairing with different pieces, but that is pretty much where I consistently ride the flavor train =)
I prefer the SiC insert over the Quartz for the Liger. But prefer the Quartz dish for the Halo
The Liger quartz works great, I just prefer the overall experience of the Sic Insert with the Liger. They compliment each other nicely
As for the Halo, I just for some reason have always preferred the Quartz over the Sic. But have had both and cannot give any complaints over the quality or overall experience of either. Just that I preferred the quartz halo over the Sic and the SiC insert over the quartz for the Liger.
Stoners are such complicated creatures =P
I'll just add that IME owning all of the d-nail halos since they first came out, the quartz halo is by far my least favorite. I do not recommend buying a quartz halo - SiC and sapphire are so much better!Insanely helpful. You are the man!
Polish on the new sapphire is beautiful. And it weighs a ton! I will have to get a total carat weight when I get home but it's impressive!
The latest version of the inserts as you can see by the comparison pics have a rounded bottoms where the flat bottom meet the wall. Not only that but the bottoms are beveled to make sure if you crust up your dish that your inserts won't get stuck. In the pics is the V2 sic, quartz and prototype 20mm sapphire next to the V3 Quartz and SiC. Then there is the V2 Quartz and SiC 30mm next to the V3 Quartz, SiC, And the New production V3 30mm Sapphire! Let the testing begin! Here are a few pics while I get the dab station together.
Hey Bonsai, what will be the main differences between the two carb caps, the storm cell and hurricane?