Hi all, signed up just to post in this

The only "negative effects" I've ever experienced have been having a hard time recalling memories, and a loss of perception of time, though I believe the two to be related very closely. For example, after a week of vaporizing (I no longer combust), I find that recalling events from the previous few days is tough, as all of my experiences seem to get jumbled up in my head. Not sure if there's an easier way to explain it, but that's pretty much the only drawback I experience.
I will add, however, that combustion is
very harsh on my lungs. Now that I've switched to 100% vapor, combusting even a little bit is much more harsh than I ever recall it. I hack and wheeze, and get that dry heave feeling, not fun. Water filtration helps, but nothing is quite as soothing as vapor.
Other people have added how cannabis has helped them, and I would also like to say that it is a great help for me as well. I don't suffer from any major illnesses or anything, but used to be a wrestler (I don't wrestle anymore, but I am very physically active, drums, running, biking, etc.), and occasionally get muscle tension and joint pains, or very powerful headaches, to the point that I just can't enjoy my day. Vaporizing completely eliminates these pains and headaches, and while I may not be 100% clear-headed, I am completely relaxed and calm.
Thanks for reading!