Negative health effects of Cannabis?


Vapor Sloth
Visions from the future . . . cool. I used to get high and write computer code, mainly COBOL (which I hated) and Pascal. I know I am dating myself here. Back in the early 1980s we programmed in BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, and compiled machine language using a HEX editor . . . man have things changed. I am getting old. :myday:


tuscan tins

Active Member
Hi all, signed up just to post in this :).

The only "negative effects" I've ever experienced have been having a hard time recalling memories, and a loss of perception of time, though I believe the two to be related very closely. For example, after a week of vaporizing (I no longer combust), I find that recalling events from the previous few days is tough, as all of my experiences seem to get jumbled up in my head. Not sure if there's an easier way to explain it, but that's pretty much the only drawback I experience.

I will add, however, that combustion is very harsh on my lungs. Now that I've switched to 100% vapor, combusting even a little bit is much more harsh than I ever recall it. I hack and wheeze, and get that dry heave feeling, not fun. Water filtration helps, but nothing is quite as soothing as vapor.

Other people have added how cannabis has helped them, and I would also like to say that it is a great help for me as well. I don't suffer from any major illnesses or anything, but used to be a wrestler (I don't wrestle anymore, but I am very physically active, drums, running, biking, etc.), and occasionally get muscle tension and joint pains, or very powerful headaches, to the point that I just can't enjoy my day. Vaporizing completely eliminates these pains and headaches, and while I may not be 100% clear-headed, I am completely relaxed and calm.

Thanks for reading! :peace:
tuscan tins,


Vapeosaurus Rex
staticsunn said:
Hi all, signed up just to post in this :).

The only "negative effects" I've ever experienced have been having a hard time recalling memories, and a loss perception of time, though I believe the two to be related very closely. For example, after a week of vaporizing (I no longer combust), I find that recalling events from the previous few days is tough, as all of my experiences seem to get jumbled up in my head. Not sure if there's an easier way to explain it, but that's pretty much the only drawback I experience.

I can completely agree to this negative effect you are experiencing. I feel like I lose perception of time as well and can't recall life events as haven't much significance in the past (if that makes sense). Everything seems more "hazy" to me. I have decided to take a bit of a break and try a new vape as well. I have only been using the MFLB since the start of my vaping experience, which has been great, but I am going to try a log vape next week and see how the effects differ between the two.

The biggest negative for me is the "munchies", but I am going to try and have some new ground rule for vaping. I am soon getting a juicer and am going to propose to myself to only juice while vaping, this way I can nourish my body without added junk that I would normally lavish myself in. Hopefully I can easily implement this *fingers crossed* and change the way that I think about it. It is just really hard for me to have self control in that altered state of mind, but I am hoping to reset that with my current mini break and new log vape added to the collection.

I love cannabis, and all the working cannabis hating drones in society can go suck it. They don't understand what they are missing out on. If only everyone saw it's beauty, I don't think there would be war, and a lot of other issues in the world. Hopefully the masses will see it's beauty soon too before we all kill each other :ninja: :peace:

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I find myself being a raw vegan now.. First i stopped meat then diary and the most hard of all CANDY. I had also munchies issues but i understood that crap food flood so many chemicals in the brain that you get addicted.. The munchies addiction is like the desire in some people to smoke a cig after sex or a joint..
"May increase hyperactivity in affected children. Be cautious if you suffer from allergies or intolerances."
"Suspicious"/"Cancer" , "Headaches/Intestine Upset", "Asthmatics sometimes react badly. Be cautious if you suffer from allergies or intolerances." :uhoh:
You can see that there a thing much worst we take daily than the negative effects of pot.. E number's chemicals loaded chocomuffin with hydrogenated fat can be compared to Crystal meth harm IMO.
So if you are living healthy and pure.. i see no problem to handle the little to no toxins in vaping MJ ...
But if you are one fat toxic mofo it can increace your hunger reminding that your body is starving for the real FOOD with vitamins and stuff and not just for a full belly..
I went a bit off topic.. but first check all the stuff you put in your system and then you can blame pot causing trouble for sure...
Using MJ is like running to me.. it is a execsize.. If someone that is unhealthy for example has obesity issues and if that guy exersizes heavy at once he can easily get an heart attack.. So if can't handle it and feel sick don't do it or go HEALTHY.
Abysmal Vapor,
I've been walking miles ever since I started vaporizing. Four laps around the block going up to eight at this point.

Going to bed and laying still until sleep works wonders.

Negative effects? I'm a weakling, I say that in a purely scientific hypothesis. My tolerance level turns both arms into tingling electrical whips.

It is safe to say I need to shape up properly. I'm not huge or hypoglycemic at all. Though my cholesterol was a wreck.


When it comes to walking miles, I tend to take one hit off my Launch Box + Reggs/Corn/Hydro (yes I'm a "Western Tool" if you want to laugh) which evens my walking pattern which tends to get shaky after a few rounds. It also helps with listening to a song over and over again until the task is completed.
Pedestrian 36,
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